So many of the current arguments concerned with Global Warming, as they call it, involve reducing the output of human-generated carbon gases, and other ‘green-house’ gases so that the warming trends will level off before they hit catastrophic proportions. The problem here is that our only prospect forward is being given to us from the eyes of Science which do not look forward at all. Science only looks back at the wake created by our technological world. Science tries to extrapolate where we are going by looking back at where we have been. Yes, it can give us an approximation, a direction. But they have had a problem estimating speed, particularly acceleration. Then there is the matter of all of the time consuming double and triple checking. When they are finally sure enough to predict something, it has already happened!
We read in the Newspapers all the time that the Scientists are surprised by the most recent disappearances of glaciers or arctic ices. It is all moving much faster than Science can track it.
On a personal level, I have had repeated dreams of being in a car that suddenly speeds up so fast that it rushes past turns that I had hoped to make. The speed becomes so great that any deviation from a straight line threatens to put the car totally out of control. This is the present condition of Science and the World. Looking back, they still see technology and industrialization at a manageable pace, but if they were to turn forward, they would see that all of the systematic inertias, momentums and accelerations are already driving the World toward what is almost certainly an inevitable fate. The worst consequences of Global Warming, we should begin to admit to ourselves, are certainly in our near Future.
So should we continue to try to steer back around, to somehow magically re-arrive at a World of the Seventeenth Century, or should we rather look ahead and try to plan for what we can make of our World if we just go straight and try to make the best of it.
First, what is going to happen? Well, the ice caps are going to melt, and very soon… sooner than predicted just as everything has been happening sooner than has been predicted. Also, Weather patterns will change. Southern deserts will expand while there will be a certain Greening of the North. This will be great for Russia and Canada and so don’t expect them to be of much help to the rest of us. They probably couldn’t be happier with their prospects.
But what can we do, the rest of the World? Well, with the Seas rising because of all that melted ice, we will have a lot of water in the Oceans to deal with. And with all of the new deserts, there will be a great need for water on Land.
Hmmmmmm. Are we seeing a trend here?
What we need to consider is not so much averting Global Warming, as engineering the World in order to deal with its consequences. We need to convert salty sea waters into fresh waters and then move it inland. The task is both difficult and easy at the same time. Getting water inland would be a monumentally arduous task, but once it is inland and made an integral part of the environment, in new Rain Forest Growth, and geographical Rain Basins, then it will stay put. Rain Forests, if not chopped down, are largely self-perpetuating. Rain Forests lock in and maintain huge amounts of water and moisture. And trees can store a great deal of carbon.
Can enough water be moved inland to offset the catastrophic rise in the sea levels. Well, yes, if large enough amounts of water can be stored in almost every available space. But even then, it would be wise to build sea walls around important Urban Lowland Areas while all the necessary inland water reservoirs and Rain Basins can be established. These Sea Walls would be a kind of ‘double edged sword’ against the rising seas. You see, these Continental Sea Walls can be made from materials dredged up from the bottom of the Oceans, thus making the Oceans deeper in the process, and if the Oceans can be made to be deeper, then obviously they will not be able to rise quite as high as they would have otherwise.
Much use can be made of water filtration machinery and pipelines. Also, it is ridiculous to allow fresh water rivers to simply empty into the oceans. Once water is fresh, it should be kept fresh. River estuaries should be dammed up and the fresh water should be piped back into reservoirs or the new Rain Forests.
Perhaps more significantly, a great deal of Fresh Water can be generated by actively influencing Coastal Weather patterns that bring storm systems inland. For instance, here’s an idea – hundreds of square miles of black heat-absorbing black foil can be floated out on coastal waters, that would flash evaporate sea water into the atmosphere whenever the sun poked out to shine even for a moment, and the water vapor would rise up to form clouds that would float inland and eventually come down as fresh water rains. Then the streams could be stanched, collected and moved inland.
Perhaps saltwater could directly piped inland, even by hundreds of miles. Then the raw salt water could be run into wide and shallow black bottomed pools, designed to collect the sun’s heat, so again we would have the effect of evaporation and down range rain storms of fresh water. Yes, and so while pipelines will do a great deal of the work in transporting water, we need not underestimate our ability to use the Weather itself to desalinate water and then to transport it, simply by taking advantage of which way the Wind Blows.
Probably the greatest impediment to any effective action is World Democracy, that is, the institutional limitations within the Democratic Decision Making Processes. Whatever the propaganda might be about the Will of the People, and Checks and Balances, actually, the way Democracy really works, when we tabulate all the end results, is to advance the causes of the various Special Interest Groups – to institutionalize and stratify the Wealth of Groups that are wealthy already. Democracy is the Inertia that the Rich apply to keep themselves Rich. Of course, the problem here is that all of the Vested Interests that now exist CAUSED the Global Warming in the first place. There are Billions of Dollars of Oil and Carbon Money available for bribing a World full of Politicians, of every political stripe… they all take bribes… they call it “Campaigning”. But now, this very minute, when we need the entire World to be moving at dizzy speeds toward a Universal Plan for Global Water Engineering, there is not a single penny of Vested Interest money to back up any of it.
I honestly expect that nothing will be done. In fact, as the disasters progress along, there will probably rise up a group of new Special Interests that can make money off of all the tragedies and losses. Politics of the Warm Tomorrow might rise and fall on the Will of the Fat and Thriving Mortuary Industry.
We’ve probably already missed our Turn. And I can’t see anybody willing to spend the money it would take to make a Warm World we can live in.
Friday, September 4, 2009
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