Friday, October 5, 2007

Why Islam Will (has) Failed

Why Islam Will (has) Failed

I had heard it expressed time and time again that these current problems with Islam represent a clash between Civilizations. But I wonder whether somebody is trying to be funny…. “What Civilizations”, I think. You see, Islam arose up out of a Pastoral Nomadic Culture – herders at best, but largely a bunch of predatory bandits. Mohamed himself was honest only when it was easy, but as soon as he was the least bit pressed, resorted to traditional banditry and most of the respect rendered to him was all that would have been due to any successful Bandit Chieftain, or as they could only say in Islam, to a “Prophet”. But from their limited and uncivilized point of view, he seemed enough like a nice guy, indeed, the nicest guy they could ever imagine. How sad.

Well, yes, there had been a Golden Age of Islam, where, for a few centuries, the Educated Classes used their Schools to steer Primitive Islam back to the Ideals of Old Civilized Zoroastrianism. But that couldn’t last as long as the Koran was still ‘in print’ so to speak. You see, Islam suffered then, and suffers now from the widespread availability of the Koran, the writings of Mohamed. No matter how much the Schools go toward establishing Civilized Interpretations of the Koran’s Teachings, there will always be people who will actually read what the Koran actually says, and believe it to be true, and this leads to the never ending waves of Islamic Fundamentalism that reassert the intrinsic Barbarism of Islam’s Founder Mohamed.

Not that Judaism is any better. Judaism also sprung from Pastoral Nomadic Barbarism. Their God had been a Tribal War God. They were probably still painting their asses blue and howling at the moon. And, as with Islam, any respectability that Judaism had attained came from Zoroastrian influences… remember the Babylonian Captivity. Well, many a scholar thinks that the Hebrews had no history of Abraham, Moses and all of that prior to their Babylonian experience. In Babylon, they watched the Movies and read the Books and into their Cultural Vacuum leapt a new Vision of what they wanted to say they were. They stole a History. Indeed, we can read in the books of the later prophets that after the Captivity, a certain high priest ‘found’ a copy of the ‘lost’ scriptures. Only after this date do the scholars find any references to the Hebrews prior to the Barbarian raids on the Philistines and the Canaanite Valleys. Isn’t it odd that there are no references to Moses until AFTER the Babylonian Captivity? What we can suppose is that the Jews discovered a rich fund of legendary material in Babylon and decided to coop it for themselves. Indeed, Egypt, with all of its written History, tells us nothing of any catastrophic Slave Revolt in which all their first born were slaughtered and all the gold and silver stolen and then the Army destroyed (what the Exodus was if we de-mystify it). Such would have certainly made the news… at least one wall in Egypt somewhere would have had it all recorded in hieroglyphics. But it never happened, not in Egypt. But it may have described the collapse of some previous Sumerian Civilization which had been the topic of certain legendary materials current then in Babylon and Persia. Well, while the Hebrews could not plausibly claim to have come out of … Samaria, they could lie about Egypt and nobody would know, or care, just as we have seen.

Oh, some close Historian may wonder that I shuffle in Zoroastrianism with Babylon, when Zoroastrianism is mostly considered to be sourced from Ancient Persian Culture. Well, Civilizations at their best are rather Cosmopolitan, where we have a sharing of the most successful and popular cultural fads and phenomena. And Zoroastrianism was popular. It was the first expression, ever, of Right and Wrong, Good and Evil. Until Zoroastrianism, there really was no such thing as Morality. Higher Religion, as we now know it, was born with Zoroastrianism.

While the Jews had resided in Babylon, they had very close relations with Persia, and Persian Culture, since they had been willing to open the Gates of Babylon to the invading Persian Armies, who subsequently supported their return to Judah (four generations who had remained in Judah had re-established ownership of land and set up political institutions, but all of that was over when the Persian Army came back with a few Hebrew Families that had helped them with Treason. 4 Generations of marriages were officially annulled, making all of the natives into effective ‘bastards’, so that the few Families from Babylon could assert ownership over all the land. And this is where we find the Hebrew’s rejection of Pork… you see, the Persians paid the Jewish Traitors with herds of hundreds of thousands of goats and sheep. To increase their value, the Returned Hebrew Dictators from Babylon, supported by the Persian Armies, declared the local Pork Markets to be illegal. And to this day Jews still refrain from eating pork for ‘religious’ reasons).

But, anyway, all the hints that we find in the Jewish Torah regarding any trace of a Higher Morality or any well thought out indication of actual Religious Theology had been borrowed from Zoroastrianism. And, as we can clearly see from today’s current events, it is very easy to set aside so that the Modern Zionists may return to their Religion of Tribal War and Divinely Allocated Real Estate.

If you don’t think that entire Peoples can be easily fooled regarding their historical past, even their relatively recent historical past, then take this example from America, where we know that the Horse was introduced only after the Spanish Conquest. Despite that, only a few Centuries later the American Plains Indians were teaching their children that for thousands of years they had been master horsemen, and the Horse was prominent in all of their legends, going back to their very Creation Mythologies. You see, apparently, among mostly illiterate peoples, each Generation is freshly vulnerable for any new turn of Propaganda. I suppose this is the reason why Republicans in America go to such lengths to encourage illiteracy and to destroy the institutions of Higher Education, or in fact any Education. Stupid people vote Conservatively, that is, they vote as they are directed by their ‘betters’ to vote. Anyway, if the Returning Jews from Babylon wished to superimpose an entirely different History upon the Jews, there would have been little opposition from a largely illiterate people. We can see in America today that it is being taught that their Founding Fathers were Christian Nazis, and it is all being received as Gospel Truth, when a cursory look at the actual primary sources show the American Founders to have been a slew of either Masonic Deists, or Enlightened Atheists. Most of America’s Founding Fathers were absolutely delighted with the French Revolution, including its antipathy to Christianity. How else can we regard America’s stance on Separation of Church and State except that they wished to distance themselves from Christianity? But none of that is at all considered today. Today the current Truth is that America was founded upon notions Christian Supremacy. Actually they just murdered people to grab property and power. Today we would call the Founding Fathers ‘terrorists’, and there was not a single American Hero that should not have been hanged, if justice or decency had anything at all to do with it.

And this brings us to how we regard modern American Right Wing Protestantism. Is it Civilized? Well, where did it come from, we might ask. Europe had been Civilized, under the Marian Christianity of the Catholic Religious Orders, that is, all of those Christian Ideals that had been stripped of the Paulist Influences of Free Sin and Bishop Corruption (today people see Catholicism as only being that which was only defined by the Bishops at the Council of Trent in the 17th Century, which was effectively a surrender to Protestant Paulism, and largely set aside the Values and Influences of the Religious Orders. The Catholicism of the Bishops was NOT the Catholicism of Civilized Christendom, the Religion that had infused the Civilization of Europe for a thousand years, but if one refers to actual History, one finds that it was the Religious Orders and not the Corrupt Bishops who had established the Institutions that had Civilized the West), The Protestants, fought AGAINST Civilization. Where the Religious Orders had rejected Paulism, the Protestants created the Doctrine of ‘Word of God’ in order to effectively Deify the Words of Paul. And Paul had been a Mouth Piece for the Barbarian Greeks. The Greeks, for all their talk, had never been a Civilization. They came to fame for being the Barbarians who swept over the decayed Civilization of Persia. Their own infighting, and class struggles, even their Democracy show that they had no Civilized Institutions. They focused on the Barbarian Ideals of Selfish Power and Grab for Greed. Paul appealed to this Barbarism with his Doctrine of Forgiveness for Sin, that is, license to Sin, Freedom to Sin. Paul created a Religion which promoted Sin, which certainly does nothing for any Society that has any wish at all to be Civilized. History shows us that viable Civilizations must rather be against sin then for it. Barbarism, on the other hand, requires it. Rape and pillage, and the Wars to which Protestantism is addicted to, are difficult to pull off without some allowances for Evil.

So, today, in the War of America against Islam, we certainly do not have any Clash between Civilizations. We have two tribes of Barbarians doing what Barbarians do.

Well, often History has found that Barbarian Cultures had managed to civilize themselves when pressed by necessity to either establish effective Collective Institutions or to perish. Most tribes perished, but those managing to establish Civilized Institutions prevailed, grew and thrived, at least in relation to those that were more purely Barbarian. But Islam will always be held back by the Writings of their Prophet. Any Generation that manages to Civilize itself is undone by the next Generation that, once again, re-reads the Koran. Equally, while the Letters of Paul are still published in the Bible, giving them some assumed equality with the Words of Christ, all that is good in Christianity also will be swept away by its own waves of Fundamentalist Barbarism.

If one is to optimistic regarding the World’s prospects for Civilization, then we might imagine Christianity and Islam destroying each other – that both the Bible, irreparably stained with Paul, and the Koran would be discredited into going permanently out of print. And then we would hope that Necessity should force some Civilized Institutions upon Secular Materialism, which, again, is mostly Barbaric. There really are enough Truly Religious notions floating around. If both Paul and Mohamed are cast into their proper Hells, then there is no reason not to suppose that some Truly Religious Ideals might not finally be appreciated and rise up to have some general influence. It would not be the first time there was a Civilization.

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