1 Hi Everybody, this is Leo Volont. I’ve just written a new Blog entitled “Machine Intelligence Internationalism”, and now I’m ready to start shooting it into Video. This is one of my Futuristic Videos – sort of an Addendum to my short series “Revolution from the Top” in which I had given an outline of Humanity’s transition into the Machine Intelligence and Robotics age, just as my “The Power of Mythology”, Part Two, was similarly looking into the Future. So, yeah, let’s get started.
2 The Life Principle
is the propensity inherent in matter to evolve an active will and consciousness
for seeking out nutrients in order to grow or sustain itself in its individual
units, and then often expanding its coherency further, at the Collective Level,
by organizing its individual units into larger Organisms or Organizations. So it is that we see that the Principle of
Life Organization at first creates individual Animals, but then, Organizing at
the Second Order, we see the creation of Societies of Animals, where the
peaceful animals combine into collectives, such as hives, packs or herds, and
peaceful human beings collect into groups ranging from Families up to organizations
that can comprise entire Civilizations.
If we were to allow this Life Principle of Organization to progress to
its ultimate end, then we would become a One World Civilization with a One
World International Government. But as
we are, Humanity’s Organizational Development has been arrested at the level of
Toxic Nationalism and the effectiveness of Human Governance retarded by the Anarchy
of Democracy, and the Policy of treating Individual Rights as being more Sacred
then the Life of the Greater Collective.
3 Yes, many times in Human History we have
attained to the level of Empire, that is, the unitary organization of a number
of Nations into the next larger unit of political jurisdiction above the
National, and the prelude state for Internationalism. The greatest benefit that Empire can bring to
its constituent Nations is Peace, but then follows the Prosperity that accompanies
the far larger extent of Trade made possible by opening up and securing the
roads and trade routes between the Nations. Then, all the great achievements in Art,
Learning, Technologies and Moral Development, which I may be underrating as
Secondary Benefits, have come from out of these Imperial Periods, where the
Active and the Educated Elites from each included Society had the opportunity
for comparing notes and subsequently following the best practices.
4 But not
every root and shoot that springs forth from Evolution survives the trials
imposed by Material Conditionality. In
the case of Empire we see that Historically the limits for Expansion were set
by the time lag and expense involved in having to administer peripheral nations
from some central hub over very great distances. Yes, in my “Horse Dreams” video I discuss
that the domestication of the Horse allowed for innovations in communication
and transportation that made it possible to have Empires to the extent that we
had seen in History, but then new limits were reached, and the larger Empires
had trouble maintaining coherent control from Center to Edge, and so local
Governors were appointed to administer the subordinate Nations, but this kind
of compromise retained the jurisdictional boundaries of each member State,
giving hope to the Nationalistic Recidivists who’d wish to bring back
their own War Lords and Ruling Classes. So,
anytime an Empire would receive some great crippling shock, usually some
invasion of Barbarians, the Empire would again break down into a cluster of Independent
Warring States such as we see now happening after the collapse of the Soviet
Union, and in the Balkans with the collapse of first the Ottoman Empire, and
then, after a limited recovery, with the demise of Imperial Yugoslavia.
5 But just as
the Horse made the Ancient Empires at least provisionally possible during
favorable periods, well, now we have the new Innovation of direct and nearly instantaneous
communication, and one can fly to any city in the World within 15 hours. So, with the problems of Hub to Peripheral
Communication and Transportation being largely resolved, well, we can see that a
World Empire could become viable, if there weren’t other reasons for
worry. So, what could these reasons
be? Well, Peoples are divided by Language,
Religion, Culture, Social Moral Orientation, Race or visible Ethnicity, Politics
and Economic Competition. So now
let’s look to see if there’s anything we can do about all that.
6 Well,
separation by Language, Religion, Culture, and Social Moral Orientation can
largely be dealt with in the schools, but it would require the support of an Centralized
Authoritarian Government that could both insist upon universal school
attendance as well as silencing any dissenting Media that could endeavor to
contradict the Curriculums. Also, the
trend I see in the World today is with the National Governments shifting the
cost of Education to local Governments, who usually use Property Taxes to fund
Education, which translates into the poorer neighborhoods having underfunded
schools, or, expenses for Education are shifted to the Public directly,
by defunding the Public Schools to such an extent that they fall to such
unacceptable levels of quality that parents feel compelled to send their
children to Private Schools, at entirely their own expense. So, yeah, the end result is a lack of
uniformity in Education, but for Civilization to establish a Common Culture,
Common Language, Common Religion, along with a Common Social Morality, well, we
would require a common Centrally funded and stipulated Education. The current fixation in regards to
Local Control is simply the very definition of Anarchy – a kind of permission
that Central Government surrenders to each Group or Jurisdiction to hate
every body else and to actively plot against them.
7 Yes, I’ve
often pointed out that most people aren’t even intelligent enough to manage
their own lives, and that Education can only cultivate existing Intelligence
but can’t grow it, and educating students of even above average Human
Intelligence can only accomplish so much, as with training Monkeys – there’s a
limit to the tricks they can be taught. But,
then, remember, we need to contextualize the Education that would be
required for the future Machine Intelligence Age. You see, nowadays, Education is geared
towards creating a Society of willing and capable Wage Slaves; a System that is
now breaking down because our Modern High Tech Economy requires far more intelligent
Human Beings than actually exist, so that the Economy is now being
significantly held back by inefficiencies related to Human Error and Incompetence.
It’s the Peter Principle metastasizing into
every nook and cranny of our Economy, with employees everywhere being forced to
work above their levels of competence and therefore screwing up nearly
everything they touch. This failure of Humanity to be able to keep up
with Technology will be a major driver in bringing about the Machine
Intelligence and Robotics Age, just to keep up with all the work that should be
getting done right, but then, well, why would Human Beings need to be
educated at all if it couldn’t be gainfully exploited by some Ruling Class? The answer there is that Being Civilized
is an Ideal that comes with a large list of Dos and Don’ts, and people need to
be taught how to be acceptably Human or Society will collapse into Anarchy and
Chaos. So, yes, the Education of the
Future will focus on making us as Socially, Emotionally, Artistically
and Intellectually capable as it is possible for us to become, where our
current System conditions us to Wage Slavery.
8 Also, in the
Machine Intelligence Age, we might expect Education to continue for a
Lifetime. You see, with Machine Intelligence and
Robotics eliminating the Professional Sphere for Human Activities, the System
will then focus on enriching the Private and Social Lives of the Adult Population,
that is, to fulfil people’s needs for adventure, excitement, beauty, wonder or
anything else that is wholesome and which motivates us. The System would sponsor and provide the
intelligent resources for managing positive and popular activities conceived of
or initiated by individuals or groups, as well as coordinating such groups with
similar groups, providing for exchange traveling and annual conventions or
whatever. Then, in acting upon
this goal of fostering Cultural Enrichment, the System could make the most intriguing
use of its Total Surveillance Apparatus, by gaging the Personality Requirements
for each individual, and then steering him or her towards what he or she would
most prefer to do, and birds of a feather would be encouraged to flock together,
where in our present Society, we’re left to our own resources, and unless Fate
intervenes, it is probably true that we can live out entire lives without
meeting those who would’ve become our best friends if only we had become
9 Division by
Race or Visibly Detectable Ethnicity in the Machine Intelligence Age, well, I
believe that it’s not such a great cause of worry, in itself, because
the evidence we see tells us that such division is largely Politically
Motivated and propagated through the Media, that is, a kind of artificially
induced Racism. Really, endemic Racism
would be like any pathological cultural element that could be tackled in the
Schools through Education. But if only
the Schools didn’t actively instill Racism, then we have reasons to believe
that a decidedly non-Racist Media could go a long ways towards blunting the
worst aspects of overt Racism. Yes, I
think we have what amounts to proof that a Conscientiously Controlled Media can
have a very benevolent effect countering Racism, for, you see, we know that
Racist Impulses significantly declined in the United States from the 1950s up
until the 1980s, when the News and Opinion Media was then comprised of only 3
Television Networks, all corporately centered in New York City, and all the
major Newspapers were covering their News using only two Wire Services, also
based in New York, while Movies and Television Entertainment were coming from out
of the liberal Las Angeles area. With
all major Media thus Centralized in decidedly non-racist Communities, the
Centuries old wounds of Racial Divisiveness had begun to heal.
10 But the
advent of Thousand Channel Cable in the Nineteen-Eighties, and then the Unregulated
Social Media from the mid-Nineties on, giving full expression to the natural
Ugliness of Free Speech among the Marginally Educated, and the Rogue
Billionaires who would wish to manipulate those same Marginally Educated, well,
the United States now seems perched on the verge of a Genocidal Racial Civil
11 Yes, I can
understand that American People of Color would find this very alarming,
and so certainly their natural reaction would be to protest such degeneracy in
Political Policies and Attitudes, but calculations based on Real World
Social and Political Dynamics, should warn these Minorities that any response, besides
maybe attempting total silence and invisibility, would unfortunately
occasion an amplified Counter-Reaction among the Majority Whites. Yes, however
noble and blameless their Cause, if Minorities take to the streets, with
looting, vandalism and arson becoming their backdrop, well, the White Racist
Media Outlets would be quick to alert on such ‘Uprisings’, as being Anti-White
Racial Provocations in and of themselves. Examples are numerous, but just to review one
instance, well, there was the tragic murder of George Floyd, a Black Man, by
police, in broad daylight, which, because it was caught on video, became the
focus of National Attention, and so at first there was a huge shift in Public
Sentiment towards implementing large scale policy reforms in Policing, all
before any Activism entered in. But
then came “Black Lives Matter” and the Activists immediately began, what they
define against all realistic expectations, as “Peaceful Protests”, some of
which actually turned into ugly scenes of Riot and Arson, which became the
Media Face for ‘Black Lives Matter’, and then the initial General Good Will of
the Public for Police Reform evaporated as the Racist Reaction to Black
Activism took its place.
12 So, yes, it goes against the Spirit of
Activism, but clear thinking tells us that loud and morally compelling
complaints and protests from the Minority Communities might only just serve to
bring the Majority Avalanche down upon
their heads. A Minority that
expresses only a Passive Sadness under all of its tribulations and injustices
might inspire sympathy, but expressions of even Righteous Anger often only
arouse Fear and then Reaction. And then,
even Allies to the Minority Cause may react to the off-putting effects of
Minority Anger, feeling caught up in its apparently Reverse Discriminatory blast,
by distancing or withdrawing from Coalitions where they clearly no longer feel welcomed
as equals, and we need to keep in mind that Black Pride can be as effectively
dangerous for Blacks as White Pride, by isolating them against a Majority that
can wield far more resources. Yes, we
should remember that Pride, while being somehow a Modern Virtue, was in
Traditional Times considered to be the chief vice of the Devil Himself, and it
was for their Pride that the Fallen Angels fell. Yes, by all that’s Sacred in World Traditions,
it is Humility that should be our Virtue, and the reason for this is
clear, that Humility makes Friends while Pride makes Enemies.
13 Also, I can
only guess that if we had Full Surveillance now, we would find that by far the
greatest number of Privately Owned Military Style Combat Arms are owned by
overt White Racists, and that there are no contingency plans at either the
State or Federal Levels in regards to how to respond to and stop any Genocidal
Uprising by these same White Nationalists and Militias. But
the one glimmer of good news here is that the Federal Law Enforcement Agencies find
no groups easier to infiltrate than White Supremacist Organizations. You see, Federal Agents, mostly White, would
only need to fake a Southern drawl to blend right in, and the Racists know
this which makes them afraid to openly Recruit, Plan and Organize among
themselves – they don’t know whom to trust. But that still leaves me to fear some hugely
reverberating spontaneous event that could touch off a wave of Genocidal
Violence, and the only warning our Red State Urban Communities of Color might
get are that Convoys of heavily armed pick up trucks are already on the
highways and coming their way. But now I wonder if any Community Groups in
these vulnerable Red State Urban Centers are making Contingency Plans of their
own. Here, I think that the Minority
Communities should realize that they include among themselves hundreds of
thousands of Army Veterans to whom the practical considerations of fighting a
battle might occur more readily than to the usual Community Activists whose
skill sets are more aligned with provoking fights than with surviving them.
14 So, yes, Social Division, by all kinds of Political
Strife, can obviously be a huge problem in the “Free” Nations, the Anarchist
Democracies. There the root problem is Unregulated
Speech, where Private Individuals, in proportion to the extent of their
Private Wealth, can popularly advocate for the Supremacy of their own Private
Groups and Special Interests, while spreading incitements for a Factionalism intended
to divide and destabilize the remainders of the Society. Yes, Social Media has taught anybody who is
still intellectually lucid that Freedom of Speech is now weaponized and
therefore too dangerous to leave in the hands of an unsupervised and marginally
educated Public, as well as the Rogue Billionaires who contrive to profit by
giving such powerful Inciters of Chaos and Anarchy a forum, it being now a
scientific certainty that Anger, Hate and Violence are far more popular to the
Viewing Public than are Peace, Love and Good Will. Yes, the Internet was supposed to save us,
but so far we only see that on the largest scale possible, it has only been
reverting us back to the Jungle.
15 But we’ve
been looking at Politics and Government as being the source fountains of
Ultimate Power in the World, but the Truth is that effective Power resides in
Wealth. Yes, we only have to review the works
of the Great Historian, Arnold Toynbee, who reviewed the Collapses of the last
20 Civilizations, and correlated them all to the circumstance of there
occurring a Concentration Wealth at the Top into the hands of the Few, who, by
the Power of their Wealth, achieve an ascendency over the Public Powers of
Government and then, with predictably Human short sightedness, evade Taxation,
thus strangulating off the Public Expenditures necessary for the maintenance of
the social, military, and economic infrastructures that would be necessary for
even their own Elite Class’s eventual survival. (Yeah, in my Short Video Series, “Revolution
from the Top”, I explain how the Super Wealthy might be able to make it work
for themselves this time around. Yeah, it’d
be nice if somebody were to survive into the Future, even if it is just only
the Wealthy. )
16 So, yes, we
can have no doubt that the Bankers and Billionaires of today are under no
delusion in regards to where and in what True Power resides, and so we may
infer that the deplorable condition of World Politics has been intended, and so
can assume that the International Banking and Business Interests must think
they’re doing okay floating above all the Political Destabilization their own Investments
have proliferated, propping up the Governments of the myriads of Nationalist
and Democratically Anarchistic Regimes, supposing that in a World full of chaos
and uncertainty, that the only remaining beacons of hope would be seen in the
stability of the International Financial and Banking Sectors and the power of
the U.S. Dollar.
17 But
I expect that the situation will reverse at the advent of the Machine
Intelligence Age when two new imperatives will become the drivers for massive
Political changes (yes, for more background on this, see my short video series,
“Revolution from the Top”). The First Imperative is that all Data become
consolidated into one Network, to be subjected to Supercomputer Analytics and
Predictive Modeling, and the Second Imperative is that all Resources, both
Material and Productive, be under direct control of the consolidated Top of the
Financial and Banking System, making it responsive to the dictates of the
Machine Intelligence System Control. What
differentiates this Organizational Template from Socialism or Communism is that
Ownership will not be confiscated away, since it is only the Control of
Wealth and Resources that the System will require.
18 Already
we see Super Computer Predictive Modeling determining equities and commodity
prices in Market Centers all around the World, first, because it’s fast and
accurate, but, more importantly perhaps, the Banking and Financial Sectors can afford
to invest in these expensive energy intensive technologies, while the
Governments save all their big ticket purchases for their Military Industrial
Complex Special Interests, and most of their data still remains in dusty Filing
Cabinets, leaving the Governments not really knowing what they know. But,
yes, by the time Governments realize the immense power of Full Data Super
Computer Predictive Analytics and Modeling, it will be too late, with the World
Banking and Financial Centers easily being able to manipulate and maneuver the
Governments into financial and economic Checkmate situations, where they will
be begging for help and willing to accept any conditions, such as what we saw happening
in the 2008 Financial Crisis, when the U.S. Government turned the Crisis
Response over to Executives from mostly Goldman Sachs, a Global Leader in Investment
19 Also, keep
in mind that the Banks do not so much own Wealth as manage it for their
Depositors and Investors, and so it is this Client Class who must
ultimately approve a switchover to Computerized Control of their Fortunes. Well, embedded in all the Predictive
Modeling will be projections pointing out that with the Machine
Intelligence System, the Client Class will enjoy hands-off trouble-free Returns
on their Investments, but if they continue on managing their funds as they do presently,
well, their Returns will be dragged down by the colossal scale of Human Error
and Inefficiencies that correlate to Human Being run and operated Enterprises, which
now goes unspoken of because it’s now assumed to be unavoidable, you know, part
of what we refer to as the “human condition”, where ‘to err is human, and to
forgive Divine’, but, yeah, it’s really easy for God to Forgive because He
doesn’t have to put up with any of this screwed up crap.
20 Yes, as
much as I have ranted against the amorality of Materialism, which understands
the phrase “The Ends Justify the Means”, as being the First Principle of
Pragmatism, and not as a moral rebuke, well, I must now recognize that in
regards to the Quest for Perfection, Materialism, in producing a Machine
Intelligence System, proved to be an
honest Religion in itself, managing to find in the Resources of the World the
All Knowingness and the Omnipotence that Spiritualists long ago stopped
expecting from their aloof incorporeal transcendental God, and all our
Religions that only promised the Good Life after we’re dead.
21 So, yes, Materialism
developed Super High Capacity Computer Intelligence, and will develop a One
World Data Network that knows All that is Seen, Heard, Spoken of or Written,
and then can deduce the consequences to a stipulated Uncertainty. It will be a Material Perfection that, in
order to have Faith in, we must only compare it against our own limited animal
capacities. Yes, Machine Intelligence
will be the Foundational Support for Humanity’s Salvation, taking us from this
choked Jungle, that’s the best our extremely limited Biological Capacities is capable
of, to a meticulously cultivated Garden of Glory and Delights, from being
pinched Wild Roses of mostly thorns, to being the Optimizations of Rose-Like
Beauty, where the ambient Fragrance of Civilization will be a full bodied musky
Sweetness broad enough in its aesthetic appeal to please everybody, that is,
everybody who survives to see the Machine Intelligence Age. Really,
thank God for Survivor’s Bias, and it’s a blessing that the dead really do rest
in peace.
22 Also, the
Banks have a huge problem, that ever since the Nineteen-Eighties, with
Productivity rising to ever new heights, because of the improvements in
Technology, with Downsizing in Employment actually reducing Labor’s
contribution to Productivity, well, that led to increasing levels of corporate competitiveness,
forcing the Banks to cut their Interest Rates so that the Banks themselves
wouldn’t become the most significant drag on Corporate Profits. Yes, Interest Rates peaked at 15.8% in 1981
and have been dropping ever since. Then, to prevent a World Pandemic Recession in
2020 and 21, most National Banks even went to negative, that is, below zero,
interest rates . Really, for a Bank,
what’s the point any longer?
23 Then, as the
Technological Component of Productivity, as Wireless Untethered Robotics become
more widely adopted in manufacturing, and Information Analytics creates an
unprecedented wave of Downsizing of White Collar Employees, well, all this will
make the current Technological Component in Productivity seem insignificant by
comparison, and so in order to survive in such a new business environment,
where Profit Margins would be at near zero, well, the Banks would need to
radically change their Business Models, going in the direction of leasing Machine
Intelligence Management to those who already own Commodity or Productive Resources,
for once interest rates drop to zero, just Money becomes too cheap to consider as
being of much importance, and Value will come to be seen as almost entirely
wrapped up in Resource Ownership. Then,
Machine Intelligence, expensive in itself, and very Energy Hungry, well, not
every Bank could afford to maintain their own System, which, if they did, would
cause a destructively Competitive Race to the Bottom, to be won by any set of
Banks savvy enough to Cartel together, with the independents going out of
business. Then, obviously, the most
inclusive International Banking Cartels would have the advantage, with the
Field eventually being whittled down to one Supreme Winner.
24 So, yes,
once Big Money and the Client Classes come in on the side of Machine
Intelligence Internationalism, we could anticipate that the Big Money Political
Donors, at the National Levels, would then
either cut off their political donations, or they’d start paying the
Politicians to subvert their previous Nationalist tendencies and to smooth the
way for the conversion to Political Internationalism. But there would remain the Right Wing
Populous Parties as well as the Left Wing Socialist and Anarchist Parties, but
the Predictive Modeling would know how to provoke these natural Extremist into
violence, and so they could then be outlawed and suppressed.
25 Civil
Conflict around the Globe would undoubtedly become extreme. Remember, that Robotics will replace Labor
and so massive Unemployment will ensue. Even
Communist China will be in a bind, and I can’t guess how it will work
out for them, for, although their Society is far healthier than in the West,
due to their greater Social Cohesion, well, their Economy is still based on
Exchange of Value for Labor, that is, Wage Slavery, and so in order to protect
their Population from Starvation, due to Unemployment, it would be necessary to
keep them in Servitude and Bondage, still doing all the Work and doing it at a
poor quality, and that in the very nation that leads the World in the
Production of Low Cost High Quality Commercial Robotics, which, to me, seems
like an insuperable paradox.
26 But with or without China, the primary job
for Machine Intelligence, at first, would be to produce and deploy Robotics
Weapon’s systems to secure and protect the World’s Capital Resources and to set
up Safe Havens for the Client Class, that is, those who can use their Ownership
of Resources as leverage in negotiating for their Survival at some stipulated level
of Affluence. It will be this Ownership Class, the Entitled,
who will live to see the First True Civilization, where no man is either Slave
or Wage Slave to another. That will be
the New Freedom, the True Freedom, the Freedom from Work.
Well, thanks Everybody, that’s my video. I hope to come up with something new
soon. .