Hi Everyone. This is Leo Volont with Part One of my two part Series “Black Sins and Red Sins”.
1 A few years back I dreamed two Angels came and
instructed me on the Subject of the Two types of Sin. They even came with Chalkboard and pointers. The
way I remember it is, as the dream began, I was waiting in a train station. At the time it hadn’t crossed my mind whether
I was planning to go somewhere or just waiting for somebody. But when the train arrived, I was met
at the swing door by the Two Angels getting off. They intercepted me, and asked me to
join them. Well, Okay. Maybe that’s what I was waiting for. They
were dressed in Clerical Black but somehow I knew they were Angels. They asked me to follow them and they
led me to a corner in the Terminal Waiting Area and commenced their Lecture. The train had been an old style train, and the
inside of the Terminal looked like 19th Century unpainted wood, but
the glass windows were clean and I saw the green of the trees
and the blue of the sky outside. Well, That’s
important because the color intensity shows it to have been an important
2 So, as I learned, it
turns out there’s two distinct categories of Sin. First there’s that kind of Sin that damns one to Hell, and then there’s the other kind of Sin that
attaches only to the body and dies away when the body dies. These two types of Sin are called, respectively,
"Black Sin" and "Red Sin".
3 The Black Sins are the
ones that destine one for Hell and they’re the premeditated Evils – Evil done
in cold blood, Evil done for profit, the Evil of Rugged Individuality
that preys on Society like Wolves feeding on Sheep. All such intentional and deliberate Evils that
victimize and exploit others are the Black Sins. Black Sins, as I learned, are the cancer that can kill a Civilization.
4 The Red Sins, on the
other hand, are crimes of passion and appetite.
Red Sins are the sins of the flesh.
As Humanity trudges the slow evolutionary process between base
animality and noble spirituality, well, the Red Sins are perhaps like small
residual monkey tails that while suggesting our animal origins don’t negate
what Humanity we have thus far attained.
5 Then there’s the
conditionality of the Red Sins to consider, that even while we can still lament
that our animal urges are engaged, the impulses to sin are coming unsought,
with our Second Order Thinking being far more Godly than our First Order
thinking, that is, wishing that we didn’t want to do these things. Every Red Sin is somewhat akin to that of a
poor hungry man stealing a loaf of bread, a deed that’s never done without
mixed feelings.
6 We live, after all, in a
Material World and the Body insists on its own imperatives. If only the appetites could be removed, then
so also would be any impulse to commit such Red Sins. And this is exactly what happens when the
body passes away. Death brings a final
liberation from the Red Sins… or it should.
What actually happens in many cases was then explained.
7 The worst that might
happen in regards to these Red Sins is that we may become habituated to and
identified with our purely animal appetites – as in the case of a man who makes
a hobby of sex or gluttony, and takes pride in such things, to the point where such
inclinations and behaviors become integral to his self-image. As such a Soul transitions towards a spiritual
existence it’ll feel lost if all its priorities and sense of identity have become
aligned around what are only material incumbrances that really have no nesting place
in the higher more ethereal Spiritual Realms.
8 Clinging to the old habits
and conditionings, the Soul will find itself too dense and too opaque to
tolerate the Light of Heaven. Remember
that light streaking through a vacuum traces no beam. Light shows itself only in collision with
Matter, reflecting all that’s not absorbed.
And Light absorbed into Matter becomes heat and past a certain point heat
burns and burning hurts.
9 Oh, please allow me here
to mention an incidental fact that relates to the Truth that ‘Light not
reflected is absorbed and becomes Heat’.
I had a dream in which I was in Elijah’s Dark Cave of Prayer (I
mentioned this Cave in my Video Series “The Virgin Mary and a Love Story”)… In
the Dream, as Elijah was telling me “Behold, the Principalities of the Sky vie
for thy Soul”, well, the ceiling and walls of the cave vanished leaving me a
view of a clear blue sky where I saw dozens of Flying Dragons circling around in
aerial combat. Well, I couldn’t tell who
was winning or even whom I was supposed to be rooting for. So Elijah, seeing he needed to explain, told
me that the Angels of Goodness glow with their own Light generated from within,
while the Demons deceive by wearing bright armor and so shine only by reflected
Light. Yeah, there might be a lot of
Pretense in that Armor, but I think there’s more to it than that. It’s probably also intended to reflect off
Light that’s bright enough to burn them.
10 So, to the Pure Clear
Soul that has risen above the Material, the Light of Heaven is a joy, a thrill,
a splendid ambiance. The most
intense light can pass straight through, sensed by Ethereal Spirit but not absorbed, registering as a pleasure, not as a pain. But
that can’t be said of the Coarse and the Worldly Souls where the Light becomes a
blinding burning pain. But that’s not to
say that there’s no hope. This is one of
those cases where a Curse comes packing a Blessing. You see, In Burning, the Impurities are
11 The Angels explained
that this is the very point of Purgatory where the suffering comes not from the
Fires of Hell but from the Light of Heaven.
You see, there’s no fixed boundaries between Purgatory and Heaven, but
that the Absolute Light of God is fixed in the Center, where the White Light is
a Liquid Fire,.. but with distance it diminishes in intensity until at the
outer reaches of Purgatory the Light is only the lightest of pinpricks to those
still retaining Animalistic Contaminations. The Angels emphasized that if I remember
anything from their lecture and pass it on it should be this: To Go Towards The Light, even when it
hurts. The closer you can get to It, and
the more pain you can endure, the shorter will be your time of Suffering.
12 But many souls doom
themselves for near eternities in a barely endurable twilight, fearing the pain
that brings them closer to Perfection. If
only they could push themselves to rush onwards, to charge into the Blistering
Beautiful Light with open smoking flaming arms.
After all, it is not like it could kill them, right? And don’t they say that what doesn’t kill you
makes you stronger? But in this case, we’d
say “Purer” or “Clearer”.
13 But, no, we don’t need
to wait until we’re dead. The ties,
attachments and the pull of the Red Sins can be addressed all while we’re still
alive. Mostly we need to etherealize
our interests. Replacing often works better than Renouncing. Simply pulling ourselves away from our
cravings would leave a vacuum that would suck us back in, wouldn’t it? But if we move into Newer and Higher Interests
first then we wouldn’t have the same time and attention left over for
the Old and the Lower, would we?
14 But, then again,
Life must be lived and we do in fact have appetites that tell us as much about what
we need as what we only want, and so we shouldn’t deny ourselves
necessities to which we’re honestly entitled, and Charity was never
intended to be a weapon by which we commit suicide.
15 Of course, when it
comes to Etherealizing our appetites, Youth is as much a Curse as it is a
Blessing, and Old Age as much a Blessing as it is a Curse. The Young and Inexperienced haven’t the insight that “there can be too
much of a Good Thing”, you know, that excessive drinking leads to hang-overs
and occasional weekends in jail, that prolonged sex is like a forced march
where our heart’s real deepest yearning would be for a rest break and a beer,
and that the most beautiful women are often super high maintenance with exorbitantly
expensive tastes, and often they’re the nastiest nags.
16 And the same kind of
complaints can cover the full span of our desires, so we should all
become familiar with the concept of ‘Engineering Compromise’, where, for
example, The Greatest Speed may be the Ideal for a Race Car, but then
there would be scarce provisions for Comfort, Noise Reduction, Air
Conditioning, Gas Mileage, Fuel Tank Range and Affordability. If Life In The Fast Lane has taught me
anything it’s that the Fastest Cars, Airplanes and Motorcycles are Budget
Breaking Torture Racks! So, yes, maybe the
Lesson of “Moderation In All Things” can come only with Real Life Experience,
and, yeah, if you’ve never gotten tired of partying, then you probably haven’t
partied enough.
17 Yes, it is also a
common observation noted by the Worldly Wise that we only need to get what
we wish for in order to break the spell of wanting it at all. For instance, I once had a real laugh when a
friend of mine told me that the two of the happiest moments of his life
were, First, when he got the boat he had always dreamed of, and then, Second, when
he was finally able to sell his boat. But
can’t we infer that had he never gotten the boat then he would’ve continued on wanting
it? So, yeah, it may be the case that
those most spiritually twisted up by carnal and material desires are
those who experienced fulfilling them the least, going to their graves still
yearning for the Beautiful Women, Fast Cars and everything else they never had.
18 But does that mean it’s
only the Sated and Fulfilled that can go peacefully to the Great Beyond? Well, it shouldn’t and so the ideal we
should aim for is to die leaving our appetites behind with a sense of Relief
and not with Regret, looking Up and not looking Back. But, the way it might actually play
out for us is, well, we might still be caught up in our Worldly Desires up
until the time we realize it’s really too late, and that our “the Boat
has Sailed”, and that we had our
Day in the Sun and now we’re in the Twilight of our years. And
this is how I think that Old Age becomes a Blessing, because it brings us to
the point where we no longer wish for anything more than simply to be content
contemplating our Sunset.
Well, this is it for Part One and now onto the Second and Final
Part. Thanks everybody!
Hi Everyone. This is Leo
Volont with Part Two of my Two Part Series “Black Sins and Red Sins”
19 Part One was about the
Red Sins but the Black Sins are a different story altogether.
What makes the Black Sins so much more terrible? Well, there’s their inherently
predatory nature, a morbid Individualism that sets Self against the Herd. All Humans are of the same Species and
shouldn’t be preying on each other, right? To calculate one’s own gain at the expense of
another’s loss, well, that’s Spiritual Cannibalism, isn’t it?
20 Okay, but where’s this
Evil come from? Yes, I’ve discussed in
previous Blogs the origins of Human Evil, but what of Evil in the Spiritual
Realms? For that let’s refer to
the Ancient Traditions that tell us of the actual or allegorical War
in Heaven. But for that to make sense,
well, first we need to define what Heaven is, that is, the Spiritual
Realm, just one step below the Highest Realm that belongs to the
Transcendental God of Oneness. Heaven
was where Dualism first set its Fork in the Road creating the distinction
between Good and Evil, a distinction that the Transcendental God in his Realm
of Oneness was too high and mighty to make, and therefore He She or It left
it up to the Angels, both Good and Evil, to fight things out between themselves.
21 Michael, called Mithra
by the original Persians who first told this Story, was the Chief Angel of
Goodness and Light, and he assumed the Scepter of Divine Authority. Lucifer, the Bad Guy, lead the Rebellion. It’s significant that the Ancient Epics tell us
that the split between the Good and Evil Angels was not Half and Half,
not 50-50, but Two Thirds Good and One
Third Evil. What we need to understand about
that is that while the Numbers of Angels divided unevenly, the Quantity
of the Effective Power between the Good and Evil stayed at parity. That means that one Angel of Darkness is worth
two of the Light. Evil has always had
an edge over Good. Why? Well, Evil is Tooth and Claw, it thrives on
Action, enjoys the Hunt, has no Inhibitions, shows no Mercy, and It’s quick to
Anger and so first to strike. And then how
do we explain the relative weakness of the Good? Well, the Morality of Goodness is like carrying
excess baggage while Evil travels light. “Nice
guys finish last” because they take on a heavier load. The
Cross we all bear is Morality.
22 But don’t the
Traditions tell us that the Angels of Light won the War? So why all this talk about the Prowess of
Evil? Well, the Truth the Two Lecturing
Angels made me privy to, but which has rarely been revealed to Men before, is
that before the Angels of Light Won the War, well, they were
losing all the Battles. The first
engagement ended in a rout. But just as
soon as Evil thought that Victory was theirs, then… their own Weakness
was revealed.. Can you guess what that
was? Well, think about it: Would those who wouldn’t serve God be happier serving
the Devil? Well, not too likely, huh?
23 Yes, their Leader was Lucifer,
the “Morning Star”, under the sign of the Planet Venus. The Rebellion was his idea and, yeah,
he ordered the Attacks, but it was the Mars, the Dark Red Angel
of War, that actually lead the Charges.
So what did Mars need Lucifer for?
Did Mars conquer Heaven just to hand it over to Lucifer? Hell No!
24 Oh, by the way, Lucifer
was known as the Most Beautiful Angel, but what did Mars care about Beauty. He wanted Power, not hugs and kisses! So Mars plotted and conspired and so again
there was the same kind of uneven split as before: Mars took the hardiest, meanest most robust
One Third of Realms of Darkness and Evil, and left Lucifer with the namby-pamby
leftovers. Remember, then as now,
that in dividing the Spoils of Conquest, the fewer the Victors there are, the
More each Victor gets, and the more Losers you have to pillage, the more there
is to take.
25 It was only during the
Battle of the Dark Angels against Themselves that the combined forces of Good
swept down and were able to recapture Heaven.
Yes, The Angels of Light, never wavering from Michael’s command, stayed
organized even in retreat, and then, still stinging from Defeat, when the Battle
recommenced, well, this time they fought without hesitation or mercy. So it turned out to be the War of All’s Well
that Ends Well. Yeah, Goodness and
Light did always have the Numbers on their side, but it could have
gone either way except that Evil became it’s own enemy.
26 And the Angels of Light
have been able to hold the Higher Ground ever since. The Dark Angels were never able to regroup
after having broken trust among themselves.
The same dynamic applies to Evil Men, that the impulse that leads
them to Fight the Good also goads them to Fight each other. They fight not for Principle, whatever they
may tell you, but for Power, and to be under the Power of another, even
one of their own, is a Humiliation that the Pride of Evil can’t bear.
27 Yes, it’s no secret that Freedom is
their Highest Ideal, but isn’t it true that only He who has
power over all others, holding them in constraints, can ever be certain of
being Free? And so it is
that the Freedom of Some depends upon the Subjugation of others. So how could such Demons ever fight side by
side without stabbing each other in the backs, always trying to get the Upper
Hand? There is no honor among all those
Freedom Loving Thieves.
28 So, certainly those Predators
of the Black Sins wouldn’t be fit company for decent souls, would they? And so their “Hell”, whatever it be, only
requires that it have no overlap with our Heaven. The Paradise for us Sheep can’t include any of
those Wolves, can it?
29 So it is that the Anti-Social
Black Sin Beings are spun out from and repelled by polar forces away from
Spiritual Society, away from our Heaven. The denser and heavier ‘vibrations’ of greed
and selfishness, with their “rugged individualism”-oriented egos, giving
them each the weight of a separate Universe, well, these predators would
resolve into lower levels and more distant orbits, like the work of a centrifuge
that keeps the purer lighter fluids at center while spinning off the
30 It reminds me of the
difference between Song Birds and the birds that have grating and ugly voices. The Birds that cheerfully Sing and
whistle enjoy a diet of seeds, fruits, and bugs, but the harsher-voiced
birds feed on the eggs and the young of the other birds. So, yeah, isn’t it a remarkable
coincidence that in the Nature of things that the character of birds are reflected in
the calls they’ve been given. If you’ve
ever been in an Early Morning Meadow and paid much attention then you’d know
what I’m talking about.
31 The Song Birds all respect
each other’s nests and territories irrespective of species – they consider
each other friends and neighbors, and in the early morning meadows one can
hear each Songbird take its own turn, never interrupting another, as the songs
go round and round in ordered sequence, and the tone and generalized happiness
in the process lets everybody know that all is at Peace.
32 But the predatory egg-eating
birds with their ugly calls: the Crows, Jays, Jackdaws, and Magpies, well, they
sound the alarm against even themselves – their Voices expressive of the
Evil of their intent. Their arrival brings
an abrupt stop to the Happy Morning Meadow’s Song Fest. Taking turns with their Songs ceases
and the Panic is piped out in crowded chorus.
The Imitative Song Birds scream out their warnings… while the sweet flutes
of the Whistlers become shrill trumpets sounding out their alarm far into
the next field and forest. And so it is
that we find that even Nature divides itself between Good and Evil.
33 The difference between
our Spiritual Realm and the Morning Meadow is that, as a rule, in our Spirituality
the Low Vibes can’t intrude upon the Higher.
Low is low and high is high. But,
well, I can think of one exception. Often
enough when first going Out of Body, you know, when Astrally Projecting, our
starting point is at ‘base material’ and we have yet to
rise up to our natural spiritual altitude, so then we might find ourselves
starting from a twilight darkness and meet up with some surly wise-guy low-life
earth spirits who can be quite rude.
But typically you only need to pay them no mind and gather your self and
then your vibrations will automatically step up and you’ll notice that your ambient
scene brightens, the colors intensify, and then if there is anything left of
the “Wise Guys”, if they are at all able to follow you up into your Spiritual
Light of Day, well, their manners will undergo distinct improvements.
34 This brings us to the
discussion of what Hell must really be like.
The predatory souls would have to be contained in something like a
Metaphysical Jungle which could only be a ‘Paradise’ for the most powerful and
dominant of Predators, right? In Hell
only the most imposing and intimidating can have any margin for ease or comfort.
But, yes, from our Cultural Mythologies
and Religious Legends we hear that there must be some Chief of Hell, a Satan, a
Lucifer, some Lion King; not because of any special Dispensation from God… No! God would never give Satan the reward
of a Throne for being some Paragon of Evil… that would be ridiculous, wouldn’t
it? So, no, it would be by Satan’s own
prowess, abilities and cunning, in a realm totally cut off from God, whereby he
could come to capture control of the Crown of Hell. Then of course it would follow that Satan
would make existence a “living Hell” for every other less endowed Predator, and
justice would then follow in that they’d all finally be served the same way
they served us.
35 But what about Satan?
Is the Devil himself to go without torment? Well, again, as mentioned
before, it’s Evil’s Nature to Rebel even against Itself. Just as we have Extremists, Radicals, Anarchists,
Terrorists, and Rioters here among us now, shouldn’t we expect the same
kind of Revolutions in Hell – Evil demanding
the Government it deserves – where the Envious Weaklings and the Grasping Powerful
and all the fractious factions in between would attack each other and grind
each other down, all while trying to impose their Will upon the Others by installing
their own Leader that would serve only themselves, you know, like the way it
works in Democracy. Really, maybe “Satan”
might not even be an Individual after all but a … Title or an Office
that the Demons continuously fight over, you know, the same way we fight over who’s
President. And what President
hasn’t been tormented and at times wished his Job on the Devil? So, yes, Satan is tormented too.
36 Okay, so where does
that get us? The Angels just gave me
the info but didn’t tell me what to think about it. But, yes, if left up to me I’d say we need to
respect each other’s Humanity, and live at Peace under the Authority of a
Civilization made Holy by its Social Moral Ideals. And then that would create a Unity
strong enough to repel any Host of Predators that could threaten us. And then whatever Red Sins we pick up
from taking Life too seriously, well, they would soon be processed through and
left behind, and we’d find ourselves once again at that Train Station, this
time with those Swing Doors open and unblocked, so we could finally catch that Express
Ride to Paradise.
Thanks everybody, that’s it. I appreciate you all stopping by.