There was a time when single cell organisms… let’s start again and call them ‘individuals’…. There was a time when single cell ‘individuals’ were the highest form of life on Earth. In some mysterious and yet to be explained way, some weird Principle of Organization had influenced molecules and compounds to come together to form a Unified Being, with a Unified Consciousness, that would coordinate its constituent ingredients for a Unified Purpose – ostensibly to move with active intent through fluids in order to procure nutrient substances in order to promote growth and to supply energy that could sustain its processes. The Principle of Organization that created these single celled individuals we can refer to as the Life Force.
One can suppose that the first nutrients that these
‘Individuals’ sought out were simple molecules or compounds. But we know that eventually Life started
feeding on other Life. This cannibalism
was, at that time and under these most primitive circumstances, amoral or
morally neutral. Each Individual lived
with the imperative that its own survival was its utmost priority and whatever contributed
to making itself thrive was considered an unalloyed good. It was, after all, Eat or be Eaten.
But then we find that the Life Force tends to
promote Organization at Higher and Higher Levels. Life goes from being Simple Single Cells to
becoming Complex and Multicellular. The more
Complex Self probably felt as Unitary in its Selfness as the more primitive
Single Cell had felt. Within this new
Multicellular ‘Individual’ all the various member cells would have needed to
work in collaboration with the Other Cells without any sense of priority in
‘self’ – they were in fact no longer ‘selves’ but constituent parts of a larger
Self, with their prior ‘Self Awareness’ subsumed by the Whole.
Now what I find very interesting is, that in the
Greater Organization of the Multicellular Organisms, that the individual Cells
were able to suppress their old imperative for eating anything that would
consist of nutrients, which in this case would be cells adjacent to them in the
new Complex Life Structure. It seems that Higher Lifeforms depended on a
new over-riding internalized Moral Imperative to assure that the constituent
Cells of a Complex Lifeform could exist in an inviolable state of peace and
cooperation. Suddenly there was a Right and a Wrong… a Good
and an Evil. Eating another Cell within the
same Organism would make one a Cancer.
The first Demons were tumors.
But, we can suppose that the development from Single
Cell Creatures to Multicellular Creators must have seen a Transitional Stage in
which Single Cells began to cooperate in Groups, and that there must have been,
at least at first, a tension between Eating other Cells or working with them for
shared goals. It is this Transitional
Phase between the Simple Unitary Identity and the Complex Unitary Identity that
should get our attention here, because we ourselves may now be in this same
kind of Transitional State (between living as Individuals and living as a Unitary
Group with a Collective Consciousness).
We can imagine what the Spiritual Experience must
have been like for the Single Cell Individuals.
Since Survival is perhaps the strongest imperative of Life, their primitive
Realization would probably have been along the lines of “All is One. I am One
with God. The entire Universe is Food. Go forth and Eat”. But what happens when numerous Single Cell
Selves unite for Collective Security?
Well, then this primitive Spiritual Realization, based on the assumption
that the Single Cell was the Highest Level of Spiritual Organization where being
an All Consuming Predator was in that context ‘Life Affirming’, well, within
the new Group Context, all of what had been implied by the old self-centric ‘Realization’
would become effectively very destructive.
For Transitional Life Organizations to thrive there had to have been some
kind of Dualistic Good vs Evil Realization, or at least the Inference that
Morality, in terms of abetting Group Cohesion, had become the over-riding necessity.
The Good would consist in Cooperation,
and anything that would subvert that Cooperation would be Evil, especially
Cannabalism! Even just going one’s own
way…minding one’s own business, as it were, would be effectively Evil as it
would cause one to ‘break formation’ with the Group which would invite attack
from other Groups that were able to maintain a more robust solidarity.
Anyway, all of that brings us to a concern regarding
what our Spiritual Awakening Experiences are telling us about our Present State
of Life Organization. Do our Spiritual
Awakenings show us that we are on the Verge of Rising to a Higher Level of Life
Organization in a kind of shared Collective Consciousness, or are our
Self-Realizations affirming our ancient and time-worn Individuality. We can look at the effects of these
Realizations on those who have had them.
In some cases there is a strong moral
impulse for strengthening the Social Group.
In other cases there is a tendency for retreat into isolation and
solitude. And we would all have to be
blind if we had not noticed Predators within the Spiritual Community (we can
see their Enlightenment in the glint of their razor sharp teeth). It is as though Humanity, at the Spiritual
Level, hasn’t made up its Mind which way it wants to go. But, if we need a hint, the Life Force must have
its reasons for ever reaching up for higher and higher levels of Life
Organization. Unless we are moving
forwards and upwards, then I think we are falling back and falling down.