Saturday, February 10, 2018

Spirituality and Life as a Force Striving for Higher Organization

There was a time when single cell organisms… let’s start again and call them ‘individuals’…. There was a time when single cell ‘individuals’ were the highest form of life on Earth.  In some mysterious and yet to be explained way, some weird Principle of Organization had influenced molecules and compounds to come together to form a Unified Being, with a Unified Consciousness, that would coordinate its constituent ingredients for a Unified Purpose – ostensibly to move with active intent through fluids in order to procure nutrient substances in order to promote growth and to supply energy that could sustain its processes.  The Principle of Organization that created these single celled individuals we can refer to as the Life Force.


One can suppose that the first nutrients that these ‘Individuals’ sought out were simple molecules or compounds.  But we know that eventually Life started feeding on other Life.  This cannibalism was, at that time and under these most primitive circumstances, amoral or morally neutral.  Each Individual lived with the imperative that its own survival was its utmost priority and whatever contributed to making itself thrive was considered an unalloyed good.  It was, after all, Eat or be Eaten.


But then we find that the Life Force tends to promote Organization at Higher and Higher Levels.  Life goes from being Simple Single Cells to becoming Complex and Multicellular.  The more Complex Self probably felt as Unitary in its Selfness as the more primitive Single Cell had felt.  Within this new Multicellular ‘Individual’ all the various member cells would have needed to work in collaboration with the Other Cells without any sense of priority in ‘self’ – they were in fact no longer ‘selves’ but constituent parts of a larger Self, with their prior ‘Self Awareness’ subsumed by the Whole. 


Now what I find very interesting is, that in the Greater Organization of the Multicellular Organisms, that the individual Cells were able to suppress their old imperative for eating anything that would consist of nutrients, which in this case would be cells adjacent to them in the new Complex Life Structure.   It seems that Higher Lifeforms depended on a new over-riding internalized Moral Imperative to assure that the constituent Cells of a Complex Lifeform could exist in an inviolable state of peace and cooperation.   Suddenly there was a Right and a Wrong… a Good and an Evil.  Eating another Cell within the same Organism would make one a Cancer.  The first Demons were tumors.  


But, we can suppose that the development from Single Cell Creatures to Multicellular Creators must have seen a Transitional Stage in which Single Cells began to cooperate in Groups, and that there must have been, at least at first, a tension between Eating other Cells or working with them for shared goals.  It is this Transitional Phase between the Simple Unitary Identity and the Complex Unitary Identity that should get our attention here, because we ourselves may now be in this same kind of Transitional State (between living as Individuals and living as a Unitary Group with a Collective Consciousness).   


We can imagine what the Spiritual Experience must have been like for the Single Cell Individuals.  Since Survival is perhaps the strongest imperative of Life, their primitive Realization would probably have been along the lines of “All is One. I am One with God.  The entire Universe is Food.  Go forth and Eat”.   But what happens when numerous Single Cell Selves unite for Collective Security?  Well, then this primitive Spiritual Realization, based on the assumption that the Single Cell was the Highest Level of Spiritual Organization where being an All Consuming Predator was in that context ‘Life Affirming’, well, within the new Group Context, all of what had been implied by the old self-centric ‘Realization’ would become effectively very destructive.  For Transitional Life Organizations to thrive there had to have been some kind of Dualistic Good vs Evil Realization, or at least the Inference that Morality, in terms of abetting Group Cohesion, had become the over-riding necessity.  The Good would consist in Cooperation, and anything that would subvert that Cooperation would be Evil, especially Cannabalism!  Even just going one’s own way…minding one’s own business, as it were, would be effectively Evil as it would cause one to ‘break formation’ with the Group which would invite attack from other Groups that were able to maintain a more robust solidarity.


Anyway, all of that brings us to a concern regarding what our Spiritual Awakening Experiences are telling us about our Present State of Life Organization.  Do our Spiritual Awakenings show us that we are on the Verge of Rising to a Higher Level of Life Organization in a kind of shared Collective Consciousness, or are our Self-Realizations affirming our ancient and time-worn Individuality.  We can look at the effects of these Realizations on those who have had them.   In some cases there is a strong moral impulse for strengthening the Social Group.  In other cases there is a tendency for retreat into isolation and solitude.  And we would all have to be blind if we had not noticed Predators within the Spiritual Community (we can see their Enlightenment in the glint of their razor sharp teeth).  It is as though Humanity, at the Spiritual Level, hasn’t made up its Mind which way it wants to go.  But, if we need a hint, the Life Force must have its reasons for ever reaching up for higher and higher levels of Life Organization.  Unless we are moving forwards and upwards, then I think we are falling back and falling down.

Wednesday, February 7, 2018

War In Heaven and the Demons Win!?

I suppose it was around 3000 years ago that Zarathustra was the first man in History to envision and then to teach far and wide that there was a distinction between Good and Evil and that Humanity should choose the Good.  He started a Moral Revolution, and most subsequent Religions, in various degrees, accepted the Moral Innovation, but even to this day there is something about Evil that is comforting and appealing for a lot of people  – for isn’t it true that Nothing Forgives Sins as thoroughly as Evil's thorough indifference to Moral Consequences?

But Civilizations cannot operate if the Sands of Evil are clogging all the gears.  Civilizations require active empathy and cooperation – a willingness to strive for the Greater Good, and Hearts that find Self-Satisfaction in serving the Community and relieving the sufferings of others.  Civilizations are built upon and are sustained by Goodness.  When Evil comes to eclipse the Good, Civilizations collapse.  

When Zarathustra first began singing his song of Good versus Evil, Persians were a little known people back in the far off Hills of Northeast Nowhere.  But the Vision of Goodness soon allowed the Persian People to coalesce, unite and expand.  And the Goodness was obvious all around.  We can read in the Bible that the Hebrews saw the Persian Emperor, Cyrus the Great, as their first Messiah. He was a Conqueror who bestowed a bounty on all whom he conquered.  Only the Barbarian Greeks were able to withstand Persia, but then they went on to fight and defeat themselves as their Evil turned inward.  

For our interest here, allow me to tell you of one of the Visions Zarathustra had, which was taken up by the Hebrews, in their Oral Traditions, and which the English Language remembers in terms of Milton’s “Paradise Lost”, and that is the Tale of the War in Heaven.  It seems that approximately one third of the Angels were proud and selfish and went into Rebellion in order to suppress the Angels of Light and Goodness, so they could cast the Spiritual Universe into Darkness and Evil, where Angels with ambition and know-how could be successful and thrive… you know, what they euphemistically call the Pursuit of Happiness but is actually a predatory hunt for taking advantage over others.  The way Zarathustra tells the story, the Angels of Light with their numerical superiority, and under the Leadership of the Arch Angel Mithra (Michael), had won the day and cast the Evil Angels, now Demons, out of Heaven.  But was that the end of it?

That brings us to the present.  Let me tell you all about a favorite of mine, a young Spanish Woman that I greatly admire, who lives within a stone’s throw of where Saint Teresa of Avila had lived and had blessed the ground she walked upon.  This young woman’s online name is Susu Ro.  She spoke in detail of a full blown Enlightenment Experience she had (see Susu Ro, “Back to the Source Experience” dated Feb 5, 2018, YouTube).  She describes a classic Kundalini Awakening, with the Ida, Pingala and Sushumna channels all opened up and flowing to the max.  When she popped out the top and moved beyond body consciousness, becoming an expanding point of perception, we are told that she was at first concerned in regards to where she was floating off too.  A thoroughly practiced Meditator, she did not have any thoughts that she didn’t really need, but this concern regarding the direction of her drift became an urgent point for her and so she thought “Where am I going?  I want to go to the Divine”.  

Well, it’s disturbing what happened next – a chorus of ethereal entities began laughing derisively at her, and then she describes that the legion of laughing hyenas coalesced into one voice that said “What the Fuck is the Divine?”   Well, the experience continued and Susu Ro, being concerned about the Darkness she had been carrying around within her, offered it up and it was accepted and dispelled, which was a good thing, as far as that goes.  But how are we expected to view the derisive laughter and the apparent urge to humiliate a sincere Spiritual Pilgrim?  What about the Contempt for Things Holy and the ‘Fuck the Divine’ attitude?  It took me a few days mulling it over, and I have too much respect for Susu Ro to have been immediately critical of her Experience, but then while working a Math Problem with my head totally involved elsewhere, my mind all at once erupted with the thought “Oh My God! The Demons have captured Heaven!”   

Now, yes, I am sure that those who view God from the old Greek Theological Perspective, in which God is presented as All Powerful and Providential, would exclaim that God would never allow such a thing.  However, when you get beyond purely intellectual speculation, which was all that the Greek Philosophers were doing, and get into the reports of Mystics, Saints and Spiritualists, well, their Experience of it is that God is Transcendental.  What that really means is that God is beyond caring about tiny little insignificant us.  The interpenetrating God may keep the planets swinging in their orbits and the atoms contained within their valences (accept when Man wants to make nuclear bombs and such), but in regards to LIFE, the Transcendental and Unchanging God is quite indifferent.   So if there is any Providentiality and Heavenly concern for Life and Humanity, well, it must come from the Angelic Realm.

Well, then, what are the Angels?  Well, because the Angels are concerned about Life, I would suppose they are connected to and bound to Life somehow.  My guess is that Life on Earth, and maybe Human Life specifically, creates a kind of a Field of Life Consciousness – we could call it a Collective Consciousness (as opposed to Jung’s Collective Unconscious… well, what the good would that be – a Brick is Unconscious!).  This Collective Consciousness would evolve side by side with Human Life.  We could then infer that when the greater part of Humanity is full of righteous zeal, living together in joyful cooperation, with Love in their Hearts for each and every one, then that is when the Angels of Light would thrive and that Heaven would be brilliant with a diamond clear White Light.  But what about when Evil runs free and selfishness and greed abound, when powerless people are exploited for pleasure or profit, when Competition is placed above Cooperation, and when it becomes a Proverb that “nice guys finish last”.  What happens to the Angelic Host then?   I would guess that in that case  Mithra (Michael) and his Angels of Light, now greatly outnumbered, would be the one’s cast out of Heaven, and that Heaven itself would turn dark.

Now that I think about it, I may have a bit of insight into all of this.  Decades ago when I was still a young man, I had a dream that I was in the Sacred Cave of Prayer up somewhere in old Mount Carmel.  The Cave was still being maintained by Elijah.   It was dark, and the candles up on the black sooty walls were only dim points of light, when Elijah walked up behind me, as I had been in some vague thoughtless prayer, and said “Look up and Behold!”  Suddenly it was as though the ceiling of the Cave melted away and I looked up into a bright blue sky that had no sun.  Then Elijah said, “Observe how the Principalities of the Sky vie for your Soul”.   Yes, there were scores of dragons joined in aerial combat.  Some dragons shown with their own light, and other dragons, festooned in metallic plate, shined only with reflected light.  But they all twisted and curled and circled up above, and I could discern no clear trend in their battle.   But when I awoke in the morning it occurred to me that I should no longer be so casual as to the distinctions between Good and Evil.  But I was a young man back then and so it would take years to figure out what that responsibility would even entail.

Now, with my Wider Collective Perspective, I realize that the ‘Principalities of the Sky’ were not just vying over little old me, but over Humanity itself.  And guess what?  I think Mithra lost this time.  I believe that Lucifer is now in the driver’s seat. So it is that a sweet and sincere spiritual seeker such as Susu Ro would be met with jeers and obscenities as she passed through the Gates of Heaven.

So, what could have possibly flipped the Battle in favor of Darkness?  Here I would suppose that Heaven Above is a Reflection of the Earth Below.  Greed and Capitalism had triumphed (and all of the Moral Religions had warned that Usury was an essential Evil), and Collectivism and Community are now forced to be Revolutionary and Anti-Establishment (where being good is now suppressed as subversive).   So with the Triumph of Evil on Earth, the Mantel in Heaven was also passed.  The Heavenly Sun of Diamond White Light dimmed and died and a starless Night enveloped Heaven. 


So I would imagine that Mithra too and his minority of Righteous Angels of Light are collecting somewhere, somehow.  Yes, they are beaten down but not exterminated for, after all, my Consciousness, and that of the others in the Good Minority must count for something (thank God that the Spiritual World is not a Democracy were an Evil Majority may take All).   It may be that the shaky and tremulous Goodness of the last remaining Kind Hearts might be the last material thread that keeps the Light of Spirit from being snuffed out altogether.     

Well, we need to ask ourselves about who exactly comprises this Good Minority that could rally against Evil and stand for the Good.  Well, in the Social and Political realms we see that Good People are standing up.  But the Spiritual Community seems to have been either captured or neutralized.  From what we can gather from Susu Ro’s Experience, the Demons now seem to be in control of ‘Spiritual Communications”.   So it is that People are becoming “Enlightened” and coming back to tell us all that any idea of a distinction between Good and Evil, Light and Darkness, are just false and ephemeral intellectual contrivances, and that All is One and that Evil has as much right to exist as Good (“We can’t have Good without Evil and so Evil is actually a Good Thing”… I hear it said all the time by people who seem to actually believe it.)    

Somehow Spiritual People need to be able to join in the Heavenly Battle.  Spirituality should be taking the Leadership in the Battle for Good down here on Earth, but as it stands, Spirituality is either on the sidelines in mute meditation, or positively Black as Night in its advocacy for selfishness and sensuality, which is the New Age Doctrine of Spirituality.  

We need to alert the Spiritual Community about this Catastrophe.  We could start by publishing a Study of the Manifestation of the Blessed Virgin over the last 3 or 4 Centuries, where She warned of the dangerous proliferation of Evil.  Then there is the fact that Saintly Miracles seemed to entirely disappear in the course of the 20th Century.  It is like Heaven was snuffed out.  Everything we know, it turns out, pointed to this trouble, this slow sinking of Heaven into Darkness.

Is it too late?  Is there any hope?  Where’s Mithra?  It will take more than me to find out.