Thursday, November 30, 2017

America Pushing Pakistan to Fight the Taliban

It seems that America under Trump’s “America First” Regime is endeavoring to open up an expanded offensive in Afghanistan against the Taliban.   It is one of Trump’s many contradictions, but we can see it as a result of his fetish to be surrounded by Generals – apparently the Generals wouldn’t consent to play along unless Trump allowed them some of their own preferred toys, and these old Generals love war.  You see, for the Generals, actually taking the trenches themselves is only some distortedly nostalgic memory pumped up by ‘survivor’s bias’, but if you could ask the Service Members who got killed fighting, they probably wouldn’t think much of it at all.    So, anyway, Trump gave his Generals Afghanistan to play with.   But like petulant children, the Generals also demanded that they should Win (yes, you would think they would recognize that as being their own responsibility, or, better yet, to expect from them more maturity as Warriors – that they be able to appreciate a good War, win or lose, that a True Warrior’s satisfaction is in having a Good Fight, not necessarily in winning it, and that History still remembers certain Crusaders who gloried in having fought well against Saladin even though they got their asses kicked).  Well, getting back on topic, the Americans, even when they had 200,000 boots on the ground (is it 2 boots per soldier?), couldn’t corner the Taliban into any decisive Conventional Battle because they couldn’t or wouldn’t follow the Taliban into Afghanistan’s rugged hills and mountains, where one feisty mule is worth a thousand battle tanks.  But that is their own fault, or the fault of America’s Political Oversight, that they did not see from the start that the might of the America’s Military Fighting Establishment was unequal to uneven ground, and so they should never have gone in there in the first place.  But the way ‘Assigning Blame’ works is one is always supposed to point at something or somebody besides one’s self.   So when the Generals wish to cry and make excuses for their quagmire helplessness, they point to the Pakistan Frontier and say that it is Pakistan’s fault for not doing enough to close their border against the Taliban.
But this is just an excuse – it is just words used as smoke and mirrors.  One only needs to look at any survey relief map of the Pakistan Frontier Border with Afghanistan.  It’s the same kind of hills and mountains that the Americans have not been able to secure within Afghanistan.  There’re a few roads but a million goat tracks.  And Warriors, Bandits and Goat Herders have been digging protective caves into those hills and mountains since before Alexander… heck, Adam’s Uncle probably dug a cave or two.   Also it is well to point out that when America had 200,000 boots on the ground (is it two boots per soldier?) they couldn’t close off the Pakistan Border from their own side of it.  So apparently the American Generals wish that the Nation of Pakistan should commit more troops to the region then the Americans themselves were ever willing to send.  But why should they?  The Afghan War has always been just an American Adventure designed exclusively for America’s profit (wasn’t their some idea for a Pipeline at one time, before the War became simply a matter of the American Generals trying to save face and salvage a Win so their old War Colleges wouldn’t remember them as no account losers and design 300-level courses on how to be exactly not like them).   Also, I believe that I read somewhere that the largest part of the Pakistanis Military are of the same ancient tribal affiliation as the Taliban and share the same patois, so to speak.  So it is doubtful that they would fight even if ordered to.  Now, yes, the Pakistan Military does indeed go up against the Taliban when it commits some crazy fanatical atrocity against some instance of modern secular culture and economy (such as terrorizing schools for girls – schools which the Fanatics hate because they encourage girls who will become women who will become wives to go off to work where their bosses will inevitably sexually harass, assault and then rape them.  The way they see it is that the Man is only Husband at Home, while the Boss is the Husband at Work… which is the same way American men used to see it, if we take the time to remember that far back.   It is an argument that we must concede some credence to, in view of current American revelations concerning the sexual abuse of educated girls and women in its own workforce.  And, by the way, anybody who looks at the data regarding wage trends will see that an increase in female participation in the workplace leads inevitably to a decline in general wages.  For instance, we can see in America that before women entered the workforce in mass, one man could typically support an entire household.   But now it takes two paychecks to support a household.  So, in effect, Women, for the sake of their ‘freedom’, sold themselves into wage slavery and families as a whole are not the better off for it, and while I can appreciate that the original hope women had was to be able to become independent and not totally reliant upon having to get married… marriage being a kind of institutionalized and euphemized prostitution … well, it did not work out exactly as they planned, did it?  Their bid for freedom simply turned into double duty.  So one can perhaps understand the reluctance of other peoples to follow enthusiastically and with no reservations into America’s Political Social and Economic footsteps.   But Crazy Atrocities can never be tolerated – such as murdering little girls in order to save them from what? – ‘fates worse than death’?   But as long as the Taliban inside Pakistan keep the peace and do not provoke showdowns with the Pakistan Government, then Pakistan has no very compelling interest in supporting America’s Military Adventurism.
Of course America could try to make it in Pakistan’s interest to side against the Taliban.  You see, we can look back into History and see why Military Forces have been used to subjugate frontier regions.  It is because Tribes, Cities, Nations or Empires wished to exploit these regions for economic development, settlements for their expanding populations, or to secure trade routes against barbarian chaos and banditry.  All of that must start with Economic Investment.  The Military will not get involved until some Program for Economic Development is put at risk.  For instance, America’s pushing its indigenous Peoples into marginalization was caused by almost purely economic considerations, and all of the militarism and cavalry charges were simply the subsequent effects of the forces of financial interest.  We can see the same kind of development in the expansion of the Roman Empire, where the Legions were used only as a means of effectively ‘smoothing the ground’ for economic development – while the Legions marched for Glory, they were sent for Profit.  So, if America was really serious about bringing in Pakistan as a partner, then America would have to develop and pay for some plan of economic development for all those barren hills and mountains along the Pakistanis Frontier with Afghanistan.  Who knows, maybe they could bring back the Soma Plant and use those Hills for mass cultivation.  But it would take a lot of investment and the money would have to be spread around sufficiently throughout Pakistan’s population in order to give the people themselves a compelling interest in fighting to pacify its frontier region.
But while America used to provide Foreign Aid Investments on a large scale, well, that was only during the Cold War which in a certain sense was a kind of Bidding War between America and the Soviet Union for the hearts, minds and Special Interests of the rest of the World.  But with the collapse of the Soviet Union, America no longer had a reason for pretending to be the Good Guy against the Soviet Villain, and so all that Foreign Aid was cut off as no longer necessary, and America could permit itself to relax its frozen smile and let its hair down and act wholeheartedly like the predatory Capitalists that they in fact always had been.   Of course, China is now taking over the World with its own Foreign Aid Investments, and it is telling us something about America’s boast about Democratic and Free Capitalist Superiority that the Americans  can’t even pretend to be able to keep pace with China’s level of Investment in various developing countries and continents, but instead retreats back into its own borders, builds walls, and cries that it must pinch every penny, despoiling and impoverishing its own citizens and allowing its schools, roads, rails and bridges to crumble and fall down and cave in  from neglect, all in order to become “Great Again”.       
So America is caught in a contradiction with Afghanistan and Pakistan.   America’s retreat from the World is inconsistent with the large economic investments it would require to develop that entire region, which is what it would take to make it actually worth fighting over.  Yes, America in the past had tried various cheap shortcuts to imposing its power, such as sponsoring Dictators, where instead of using widespread investment to get an entire population on board with a comprehensive program for Economic Development; they would simply pay off one Thug War Lord who would be supposed to use his Army for purely American interests.  But history shows us that such dictators have a difficult time maintaining their power against popular opinion, political opposition and even open rebellion, and often enough they eventually find it necessary for their survival to stand up against and oppose America.   And I believe that Pakistan has now reached enough of a Political Consensus and level of Accommodations between its various interests and demographics that America can simply no longer short change them and impose some nickel and dime Dictator on the cheap.   Pakistan is now big enough, important enough, and developed enough that it is largely Dictator Proof (well, as long as it can continue its own economic development, which would be significantly helped along if it could work in greater partnership with India.  You know, if France and England are able to get along… or maybe I should say France and Germany, then we can perhaps imagine a time when Pakistan and India will come to see that they have more to gain by being friends than by being enemies.  Oh, a Chinese Partnership with Pakistan, though possible, would not be as desirable as close ties with India.  The Pakistanis and the Indians are after all historically the Same People who in some momentary fit of passion allowed themselves to be separated by Religion.  Perhaps the chief advantage in a Pakistan-India rapprochement is that both Pakistan and India are well versed in what has turned into the New Lingua Franca, English, while China holds out with its primitively ideographic language and remains largely unintelligible to the rest of the World, and likely even unintelligible to itself.  You see, reading and writing Chinese is very difficult to learn even at the elementary level, even for the Chinese, and the untold secret regarding China’s chronic problems with Quality Control is that the greater part of its Workforce couldn’t possibly be literate enough to know every fine detail that would be involved with Quality Production.  Imagine Western Production Engineers who didn’t quite know what any of the big words meant, and a workforce who had to either guess or depend upon verbal instructions at every turn.  That would be China.  So Pakistan would be better matched with India just by virtue of being able to talk to one another and because their workers and engineers can be relied upon to understand written instructions.  Indeed I pray for the day when India and Pakistan become the World’s Manufacturers, and displace all that cheap low quality Made In China crap.   The Indian Subcontinent is both more literate and I believe they have a more solid and reliable moral center than the Chinese who have had scandals involving the Production and Sales of poison Baby Milk and poison Pet Food, which again, may have only been Quality Issues because nobody in these Chinese Factories can really read Chinese and they got their ingredients all mixed up… but how can we be sure that such poisonings were simply not moral lapses involving trying to substitute cheap ingredients for dear ones, and the perpetrators only defense would be that they didn’t think anybody would be hurt “that bad”.  Then there is the hugely significant problem with China’s Pro-Han Racism.   It is no big secret that China almost openly expects the entire World to bow down and kiss its butt.   They don’t make a lot of noise about their Racial Superiority, but this is only because they already believe that most of the World either assumes all of that already, or will have little choice but to acknowledge that ‘truth’ when it becomes the de facto condition of a Chinese dominated planet.    So it goes without saying that China would not be able to see Pakistan as an equal partner, but India and Pakistan would be two Brothers that just happen to disagree about Religion, and, historically speaking, that is not an insuperable problem).  
Oh, but there is one crazy insane possibility open to America.  America could issue Pakistan an Ultimatum saying that America will go to War against Pakistan if Pakistan does not go to War against the Taliban.  This would actually be a repeat of how America started its War against the Taliban in the first place.  You remember, America gave the Taliban a similar ultimatum demanding that they go to War against the Al Qaeda, that is, to stop giving them ‘sanctuary’.   We know how reasonable that demand was.  America is still chasing Al Qaeda around after much more than a decade, but somehow America back in 2001 thought the Taliban could go out and simply take 10 or 15 minutes to arrest all of Al Qaeda and throw them in jail.  But this example of bone-headedness does sort of prove how simple minded America can be, or pretend to be, even without short-sighted Trump or his tunnel-visioned Generals at the helm.   
Or America could decide to open up its own fighting and bombing campaigns within Pakistan’s borders, expecting Pakistan to keep back and acquiesce to it.  The problem there is that while the Taliban now only have to cross the Border Line to arrive at safety, if America were to bomb those present sanctuaries, the Taliban would just move further into Pakistan, and all the way to Islamabad if need be.  Sooner or later America would insist that the Pakistan Government take sides.  And the most basic problem with siding with the Americans is that everyone but the Americans understands that America will eventually tuck tail and go home, and when they do nobody has any doubts that the Taliban will be able to regain control of the Afghan Government.   You see, the Taliban demonstrated  in their last Civil War that they can defeat all the other tribes put together, assuming that they made some strategic alliances with some of the peripheral Tribes.   And even with American Support, the Non-Taliban Elements in Afghanistan have been unable to subdue the Taliban.  Or perhaps while they may hate the Taliban, they do not hate them to the extent where they would be willing to commit treason against their Nation by selling it out to the United States in order to gain some momentary advantage.  Indeed, I wonder that the present Regime of Traitors who run things in Kabul don’t fight much harder, because if they can’t win while America is actively engaged in helping them, then they surely won’t stand a chance when American inevitably leaves, and then the Taliban would have every conceivable right and justification in hanging all them all for treason.  Indeed, those fighting in the Puppet Regime’s Afghan Army right now are virtually Dead Men Walking.  Their only chance at mitigating their crimes would be to stage a Pro-Taliban Insurrection before the American’s leave.   This should be a warning to the poor American Service Men stationed in Afghanistan to watch their backs and get ready for the modern version of the Delhi Mutiny of 1857. 
So Pakistan has little interest in fighting the Taliban, since  in what may be the very near future the Taliban will rule Afghanistan, and the Pakistanis would be crazy to declare war now on those who will soon be their neighbors as well as having always been their Tribal Kinsmen.  And we may also assume that while Pakistan would consider an American Declaration of War against them as being catastrophic, on the par with a tremendously destructive natural disaster, still everyone realizes that America has no staying power, and in order to protect their lasting Sovereignty and national self respect they would be willing to weather any American Storm.  
Besides, Pakistan is a Nuclear Power.  Oh, and I wonder that everybody is so worried about Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles.  Wouldn’t it be easy enough to send nuclear bombs to America in shipping containers?   One only has to pay the same bribes to the same Customs Officials saying the container contain the same contraband heroin as usual.  Now that I think about it, America is probably already dotted with Chinese and Russian nuclear weapons in various urban storage units or private homes that are primed and ready to go at the push of a button.  I suppose that is why America now finds it so urgent to immediately suspend its principles regarding Freedom of Navigation in order to blockade North Korea and interdict all of its shipping.  All North Korea would have to do is get one shipping container out and mixed into the International Shell Game of tens of thousands of shipping containers and then it could come in to any American Port from any other Port in the World.  So yes, America needs to be nice and polite to any and all of the World’s Nuclear Powers, whether they have missiles, airplanes, submarines or simply just a shipping container and a big first class stamp.  I suppose somebody should tell Trump of the danger, but they are afraid he might shut down all America’s Ports… or build sea walls around them.     
But, getting back on topic for my summation, we must all wonder why the American Generals would even suggest the idea of dragging Pakistan into the Afghan fray.  Maybe it’s a problem where these older Generals who have been heavy drinkers their entire careers are now marginally demented, but they still have too many Stars on their lapels for younger less brain dead officers to argue sense to them without fear of being disciplined for insubordination.   Or it could be a case involving the American Generals’ unexamined assumption that they never lose Wars, and this even after having lost, or at least having failed to ‘win good enough’, every war they fought since World War II.  Well, in any case somebody needs to tell Trump that there are significantly sensible overriding reasons why it is wise to keep Generals under Political and State oversight and control.  Wars should only be fought for Political and State reasons, and not so chronically alcoholic and semi-senile Generals can put another notch on their pistol grips.    Trump needs to put his toy soldiers back in their 5 sided box and bring back career government service people to do the jobs that they were educated for, and have experience with, and have a fairly long tradition of doing well.   While Government Service People may not provoke and win many Wars, perhaps we could count on them better to not Lose the Peace.                               

Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Kundalini: Tower and Flower Your Power

I was watching one of my favorite YouTube channels, Soul Toz, who’s been vlogging about her Kundalini Awakening for about the last 3 or 4 years, and now, quite recently she has been saying that her condition has quite stabilized to what seems to be a new ‘normal’.  She had been accustomed to a lot of tumultuous emotional and physical upheavals; rollercoastering a ridgeline of highs and lows, and her recent leveling off took her quite by surprise.  She was puzzled by it at first but has come to now accept it as a positive development – a kind of plateau before a vaster more significant step, whatever that is to be, and she was not at all sure herself what she might expect.  She calls this impending development the “5D”.  I had to google it.  The term seems to refer vaguely to what we could understand as Spirituality’s Next Big Thing.   I would refer to it more specifically as the Collective Consciousness, where people will go from I-consciousness to We-consciousness, but that is just my opinion and I haven’t heard very many other people suggesting anything along similar lines.  Most New Age Spiritualists today are still circling around with the prevailing philosophies of over hundred years ago – the very philosophies that brought us the Great Wars – the philosophies of the likes of Nietzsche who saw the Evolutionary Spiritual Process in terms of its creating individual Supermen and Women.  I would tend to see that as a step backwards, wouldn’t you?   The World today is in no way lacking of individuals who not only assert their own individual superiorities, mostly in the material sense, but go a long way toward imposing them on all the rest of us.  For a few select individuals to become Masters, the rest of us must all become Slaves, no?   But a Collective Consciousness would raise us up all together.


But that is itself vague theorizing.  The practical issue in regards to Soulful Toz’s newfound condition of normalcy, is whether she is still, or perhaps ever was, in control of her Kundalini’s movements.  Perhaps all of her Kundalini Movements were simply acting upon her, and she was more or less the passive recipient.  Of course I would acknowledge the strong possibility that the Kundalini has its own inherent Wisdom, while also taking note that Kundalini Awakenings can be catastrophic for some people.   Anyway, I would like to ask Madame Toz if she can control any of it, but she has so many subscribers (it’s now in the thousands.  She will soon catch up to the Kitten Lady) that I would doubt I could catch her attention.  Maybe somebody will mention this blog to her.


Now about the possibility that a person might be able to control his own Kundalini Energies.   I myself was initiated into a little heard about Kundalini Yoga system decades ago.  A guru from India, whom I will refer to as the Old Guy and won’t mention the name of his system because he died some years back and I have no idea whom it was who may have swopped in and usurped the Property Rights to his System, and so I am a bit afraid of getting sued for copyright infringement or whatever from some chiseling conniving greedy scheming New Age Predator (who is so used to being called a Master that he has begun to believe it himself).   Anyway, the System consisted basically of awakening the Kundalini using touch (Shaktipat), which is actual common to a number of Systems that I know about, and probably goes back far enough to be considered common domain, but that wouldn’t stop some lawyers from threatening to sue and demanding a settlement offer to make the problem go away (the only Legal Black Mail allowed nowadays is, well “Legal” Black Mail, committed by lawyers under the noses of Judges who forget the Dignity and Responsibility of the Robes they wear and only remember that when they were themselves Lawyers that they would lie and swindle in the same manner, and so it must therefore be entirely upright and ethical).    But, back on topic, one of the things I noticed even before my initiations was that I would feel a pressure sensation at the location of my Ajna Center whenever I was around the Old Guy or some of his Initiates (the Cool Ones).  I guess the Kundalini has a kind of a vibratory resonance that can reach out well beyond the skin, so that other people can sometimes ‘catch the buzz’, if they happen to be tuned in close enough to it.


His System was not a hundred percent reliable – not even close.  I was quite the activist back then in my younger days and was able to bring a veritable busload of prospective initiates to his door.  His followers at the time tried to do some ‘Gatekeeping” and talked of the usual ‘donations’ but the Old Guy waved the fees, citing an atypical ‘student discount’ that I had suggested to him, which would be whatever the kids could afford to part with which wouldn’t be much.  So there were about 20 New Initiates whom I was in contact with.  Most didn’t feel anything with their Initiation, and some only developed headaches.  The Success Rate seemed to hover at around 15%, that is, people who would describe a consistent pressure at the location of their Ajna Center, and then subsequently the at Tail Bone Center and then the Crown Chakra, as the Initiations progressed from week to week.   Yes, now that I think about it and remember back, one could strengthen the sense of pressure by focusing attention on these particular chakras, but moving the energy around generally did not seem to be on the menu at the time.


But the Old Guy eventually had a plane to catch.  He was not officially On World Tour in those days, but he would visit his Old Initiates who had emigrated from India to other parts of the World, and use those social opportunities to advance his Kundalini Yoga System.   But he would return in the next year, and I would become eligible for the Universal Consciousness Initiation.  Wow! Right?  Well, the year came and I sat for the Initiation.  Oh, I need to mention one of the Old Guy’s tricks, and that was not to give out any descriptions of what exactly the Initiations would be like.  But after the Initiation he would ask what the Experience had been like for the New Initiate.  You see, this procedure would be effective at discerning people who were Placebo Effected or subject to Suggestion or who had received nothing but wished to be polite and pretend they did.  Only people who experienced an effective Initiation could describe something close to what the Initiation was actually designed to deliver.   So I sat for the Universal Consciousness Initiation and the Old Guy did whatever it was he did for that one, which I didn’t bother to remember because I got nothing from it.  So when he asked me what I experienced I told him “Well, I got the other Initiations good enough, but I guess this is the One that got away”, and just sort of shrugged my shoulders.  I suppose the Old Guy was struck by my honesty, as I would guess it is customary to ‘make up something’ so you don’t leave the Old Guy feeling like he failed.  But I read his little books.  This guy was basically a science based rationalist and a mature adult, and so he would both want and expect the truth, at least from another science based rational individual (or as close to that as I could manage and still be a young man at the same time).   So the Old Guy thought for a moment and then gave me what was really my most significant Initiation.  He said, “Hmmmm, well I don’t want you to go away with nothing and so let me teach you a trick I learned.  It is the Key to moving the Kundalini around your body.  Wiggle your head around and locate the swivel point at the top of your spine at the base of your brain.  Now energize your Ajna Chakra and bring the Energy back along the top of your pallet to that Swivel Point.  The Energy will feel like a little ball, about as big as a ping-pong ball, but that is way too big.  You want the energy to focus down to being a lot smaller.  Visualize it like an onion where you are removing skin after skin and it is getting smaller and smaller.  It only takes a few minutes to get it down to the right size, about the size of a pea.  This is one time that Bigger isn’t Better.”   I listened to him and this is one time when he didn’t use touch or wave his hands around anywhere.   I followed along with what he was telling me and the amorphous sensation of energy did slowly focus down and get smaller and more solid, and then I noticed that it was difficult to keep it from wiggling – it seemed to spin slightly with a small erratic wobble or swing, which I mentioned, and the Old Guy said, “Good. You found it.  Now that is the Key.  Once you get your Energy there (it behaves like a valve) you can take it to any part of your body.  Move your energy to your right hand”. So I did, and I said “Wow, I was never able to do that before”.  Then he said, “Okay, you have heard about all those other Chakras in your body, right?  So try moving your energy down through your body and see what you feel”.   Now it was only a feeling of pressure – not big Lights and Colors (only in my Dreams do they light up), but it was a tangible feeling of pressure that never existed before and I moved it from Chakra to Chakra.  I said “Cool!” and as I described it and the Old Guy smiled.  I suppose he was a realist enough to be aware of his own dismal failure rate, and so he cherished each little success that came along.  


So, for decades now I have been able to move my Kundalini around.  I have combined that with various breathing exercises which intensify the Energy somewhat.  I can actually get a tangible feeling of raising the Kundalini up over my head, by what feels like between 12 and 18 inches or about a half a meter.  I can make it ball up into a roundish 3 dimensional halo, or tower it up to a peak, or even spin it like a kind of propeller.  Another thing I learned to do was to fill my Personal Space with Energy.  You see, our Mental Body is more than our Physical Body in the sense that our Mental Body is Everywhere we can move our hands and feet – the Mental Body is a kind of Coordinate System which incorporates anywhere we can reach out to touch or tap with our hands or feet.  It is kind of roundish like an egg.  I can fill that with a kind of translucent light, which I can feel more than see (but it ‘imagines’ as light).  In dreams it is Light.


So I was wondering if Soulful Toz has found that little secret or whether she only gets whatever she happens to get, as a passive recipient.   

Oh, about ‘flowering’ the Power.  Years ago I had a dream of a young man who had a tremendous smile and it seemed to connect him with All Life, as I noticed that his silver-blue aura spread out away from him into the entire landscape, but only encircling the living things – the grasses, the bushes, the trees.  Well, I thought that his tremendous smile had something to do with his ability to project and connect.  So I experimented.  What is a smile but turning up the facial muscles, right?   So I used my Kundalini Power to turn upward, smile like, the Energies behind my face.  Then I energized all the Chakras and had those Chakral Disks flatten out horizontally and then turn up like flowers opening up to the sunlight.  That seems to do the trick.  A Full Body Kundalini Smile probably projects a very positive energy, and probably because of the Flower Effect, it also receives a lot of Higher Energy Prana from Above or wherever.

Saturday, November 18, 2017

Kundalini and the Collective Consciousness

In the spiritual community we often hear the cliché about a general Kundalini Awakening being the Next Great Evolutionary Leap for Humanity.  But the details are vague regarding ‘how so?’  Perhaps it’s comparable to the distinction between Theoretical Physics and Applied Physics, where we have known about the Theory of Quantum Mechanics now for 40 years, but still the cars, sewing machines, flashlights and airplanes are still designed and run the same way Isaac Newton would have had them run 300 years ago.   I suspect that nobody will ever really understand Quantum Mechanics until we dry our dishes with a Quantum Dishtowel, or something like that.   And, likewise, the Kundalini Energy will remain oddly mysterious until it is found to be good for something.   


So, yes, I also subscribe to the cliché about “the next big evolutionary leap for humanity”, but after decades of thinking about it I have an idea about just what it might consist of.  Perhaps the Kundalini can be used to Link into the Collective Consciousness.   Well, how did I arrive at that hunch, or perhaps the more appropriate question for now would be why would I want to think so?


Back decades ago I had a few personal experiences which go a long way in explaining why I would want to think there is an actual existential Collective Consciousness that we could tap into, particularly two very Big Dreams I had.   In the first dream, back when I was still a young man and not very philosophically sophisticated, I came upon the grave of one of Europe’s Greatest Thinkers and it had been defaced with graffiti saying that “______ would not live beyond the grave”, but instantly I had muttered that “everybody lives beyond the grave”.   But whatever Higher Wisdom that had been directing that Dream was not to allow me to get away with such an unfounded assertion without some kind of a challenge and so suddenly a large oak tree on the crest of a nearby knoll erupted in flames of multicolored lights, and out of it billowed a Voice that said “Not all men will live beyond the grave… but ______ will”.   Oh, I need to mention some details that indicate just how significant that Fiery Tree and Voice must have been in the context of this Dream.  The instant the Tree ‘Lit Up’ my legs gave way out from beneath me and I came crashing down on my knees, on what seemed like hard granite, but I felt no pain.   Also, tears sprayed from my eyes, but I felt no emotion, which puzzled me even at the time.   Now, one would suppose that I would have been speechless in awe, but, since I felt no overwhelming emotions, I was intellectually quite curious about the Mortality Issue that the ‘Tree’ had brought forward and so without any hesitation I asked “Well, then, what about me?  Will I live beyond the grave?”   Well, the Tree did not immediately give me an answer, seemingly wishing that I should have a little time to contemplate just how possibly disturbing certain answers to that question might be for me, and the Tree’s apparent point was not lost upon me, and I got really nervous really fast.     But finally the Tree spoke and said “Yes, you too will live beyond the grave, but remember one thing: Birth is but an Illusion and Christ is the Life in All Things”.  Now even at the time I did not see the allusion to ‘Christ’ as being in reference to any historical individual, but rather to some kind of All-embracing Spiritual Status – some disembodied Cosmic Christ.   And of course the notion of “Life in All Things” speaks of a Collective Consciousness with no need for further elaboration.


Then there was the second Big Dream not many years after the first.  I appeared to be in a sparse landscape, that seemed as dry as some areas in North Africa, the Near East or the American Southwest, but still there were some clumps of grass, some bushes and a tree here and there.  I seemed to have just arrived on the Dream Scene when suddenly this young man appeared just in front of me, so close within my personal space that it made me feel a bit uncomfortable.  But what instantly caught my attention was the young man’s boundless smile – it quite radiated joy (one can approach duplicating such a Smile with your Kundalini Energy simply by imagining that all your Chakras are like Flat Horizontal Plates which you can turn up at the edges, along with turning up all the Muscle Groups in your body, like turning up a Smile, with the Idea that they are like Flowers Lifting and Unfolding to the Sun Light.  I do that before walking into strange new places with people I never met before.  It seems to help in putting both them and myself at ease.)    Well, in that Dream, I had never experienced such a powerful smile, and his eyes were very entrancing.  The Young Man, as a person though, was not very impressive.  He was thin to the point of emaciation, dark but one would say more ‘brown’ than ‘black’, with a narrow face and a thin nose, and for a beard he had just a slight tuft of curly hairs.  But I could not help but be moved by his perfect joyfulness.  In this Dream I seemed to have been rendered ‘speechless’.   Well, since I had nothing to say, the young man turned and began walking off, but before he was 20 meters away, the same voice as in the other dream spoke up and said from out of the blue, “He went out into the wilderness and became One”.   With that the Young Man developed a silver blue aura.  Then, what was more remarkable was that the nearby grasses and bushes began picking up that same silver blue aura, and then I noticed that even the trees out in the distance began to shine silver blue.  It became clear that everything that was alive had the same aura and that it was connected and centered on him.  I had a hunch at the time that he was experiencing all of that as part of himself – that he felt the Oneness.   Maybe that is what made him so happy, or was it being so happy that made him One with everything? 


Also, I might add that that dream is suggestive of what we hear about some traditions of Shamanism whereby it is reported that some Shamans can transform into crows or cats or coyotes or whatever, but what I suspect is probably really happening is only that a Shaman can opportunistically reach his or her consciousness out and partake of the perceptions of crows, cats or coyotes or whatever else is already out there and part of the landscape which the Shaman is concerned with knowing about.


Also when I was a young man, I read of a Saint that lived in India just a bit more than a hundred years ago, Shirdi Sai Baba, whom is not be confused with the charlatan Sathya Sai Baba who set up his scam much later.  Shirdi Sai Baba… let’s just call him Sai Baba…  was claimed by both the Hindus and the Muslims to be one of their own, but more appropriately we could describe him as a Fakir – a kind of Sufi that stems from a tradition that predates Islam going all the way back to Persian Zoroastrianism, the first Moral Religion.  You see, Sai Baba had a Sacred Flame going which is the hallmark of Zoroastrianism.   Well, to get to the greater point concerning his influence upon my thinking concerning the Collective Consciousness, one of the things that Sai Baba was famous for was being able to relate objectively true stories from the viewpoint of both animals and people.  Later in the 20th Century there was another Saint in Southern India, Ramana Maharshi, who could do much the same thing.   This Ability would seem to indicate that it is possible for individuals to harness and focus selectively within the Collective Consciousness.   Of course, in regards to anecdotes concerning Saints, there is a huge problem with both exaggeration and invention.  You see, these Saints accrue to themselves Followers who form Social Groups around them which seem to distribute Status among themselves on the basis of who can tell the best and biggest stories about their Guru.   I would not have believed the problem so chronic and pervasive unless I saw it in operation with my own eyes.  But, yes, it seems a bit paradoxical, but religious devotees are huge liars.  I believe that many such people believe so fully in their own good intentions that the heinousness of their lying about most everything is entirely eclipsed from their notice, but of course there are others who are calculating scoundrels and bad down to the bone.   Unfortunately I had arrived at this skeptical awareness only after decades of studying the lives of many of these various Saints.   So the greater part of that acquired ‘knowledge’ was subsequently cast into doubt but not before it had greatly influenced what was probably to be the greater part of my life span.  So almost from a kind of mental force of habit I retain a bit of hope in a super-natural possibility which still awaits some solid confirmation before I could in good conscience talk about it with any fervent conviction.   


But all that interest in the Saints, before I became largely disillusioned, led me to earnestly investigate Mysticism and Mystical Experiences.  Mystical Experiences are interesting in that people who have had Mystical Experiences claim that in their moment of excitement that they Knew Everything and that All Truth was Revealed.  However, the problem arises that they can provide few details after the fact.  The literature of Mysticism gives this problem a name – Ineffability.  William James, a Professor of Psychology at Harvard University, in his classic “Varieties of Religious Experience”, circa 1905, talks a great deal about Ineffability.  The consequence of Ineffability is that it turns the Mystical Experience essentially into a purely aesthetic, even sensual experience – a Super High Buzz, but which in practical terms is good for nothing, or even damaging, in the sense that Mystics may become addicted to the purely Sensual Experience while ignoring their Social Duties and Obligations, like students getting high instead of doing their homework.


But maybe Ineffability is a Right Brain vs Left Brain kind of thing.  The Right Side of the Brain sees things holistically in complete flashes, images and intuitions, while Left Side of the brain sees things linearly, in some ordered way, with associations and connectedness between points of reference.   Or we can say that the Right Side of the Brain uses Pictures, while the Left Side uses Descriptive Narrative.    So perhaps the problem of Ineffability sources from focusing the Mystical Experience in the wrong side of the head (where right is apparently wrong).  If the Mystical Experience were to be generated from the Left Side of the Brain, the side that deals with Speech and Language, well it would probably be a whole lot more likely that we would come back from it with more to say, though the experience may lose something of its spectacular quasi-visual splendor that only the right side of the brain can provide in full.


There is also the issue regarding the various, different and often contradictory reports given by those exceptional few who purport to bring back some form of “eternal wisdom” from their mystical experiences.  Such wide variance would incline us to believe such ‘Truths’ to be subjective rather than objective, and if these Enlightened Truths are only subjective, well, that only means that it was ‘true’ in the sense that an individual really experienced them, and didn’t just make up a story.  But the broader definition of Truth, that a thing is plainly known to exist or its existence can be objectively confirmed, cannot be affirmed by subjective images or thought forms, not unless it can be demonstrated that such subjective impressions are widely shared.  After all, it is the proof of a general Objective Reality that the shared experience of Society confirms it.   And in regards to Religious and Mystical Experiences, we do not yet have this confirmation.  Again I refer to James’ “Varieties of Religious Experience” where you can see just how bazaar and off the beaten path some ‘enlightened’ realizations can be.


But we may be able to address this problem of Shared Objective Reality within our mystical experiences by determining whether we use our Kundalini to look Inwards, into ourselves, or Outwards, into the World and Society.   Looking Inwards has been the typical direction.  Most popular thinking these days seems fully on board with the notion that all wisdom comes from within, no matter how foolishly we see people actually behaving who act solely according to their own guidance.   We need to ask ourselves what we can learn from ourselves that we do not already know?  We get nothing new by watching old reruns over and over again.  Self-Inquiry is a labyrinth that can only circle the same old ground over and over again.  If we want to put the Kundalini to any positive use, we must point it Outwards and Think where we have never Thought before.   

True Civilization could become an achievable possibility if Humanity could be unified by a tangible shared Collective Consciousness.  Looking Outwards to Others will take us in that direction.  Looking inwards is only to look backwards.  We can’t take that next great evolutionary step forwards by always backtracking over our failures and shortfalls.   The Ancient Wisdoms got us into the mess where we are today.  With this surge in Kundalini Awakenings, we need to configure a new path forward.  

Sunday, November 12, 2017

An Experiment to Test Kunalini Awakenings for Collective Consciousness

I’ve been involved with Kundalini for about 4 decades now but just recently became aware of what looks like a Surge in Awakenings (but that may simply be attributable to a more widespread Social Media, in the sense that the numerical rates of awakenings may have held at an approximately constant level, but we are now becoming more increasingly aware of their occurrences).   But if there is truly an Upsurge in Kundalini Awakenings, I was wondering if it may be an indication of the blossoming of what we could refer to as a Collective Consciousness.


I suppose I am not the only one that may be curious about what the wider implications could be concerning a proliferation of Kundalini Awakenings in the general population, especially if such a broad Awakening significantly increased some real apparently intangible Connectedness between those who are ‘awakened’ or even between them and those who are not ostensively ‘awakened’, or maybe even between Everybody, whether or not they see themselves as ‘Awakened’ or not.


Anyway, I decided to do something with my idle curiosity and so I whipped up what could be the basis of an Experiment that could be conducted in more than several ways:  I created two EXCEL Spreadsheets (if you want to see, email me and I can send you the attachments), the first labeled SEND and the second labeled RECEIVE.   Both sheets have identical lists consisting of ten Categories with ten elements each.  On the SEND sheet there is a box beside each Category Name that contains a Random Number Generator Algorithm which pops up an integer between 1 and 10.  The Random Number Algorithm that I used is INT(RAND()*10+1)… cool, huh? (and, yes, nothing goes in the closed parenthesis after ‘RAND’ because it is supposed to create its own number).   Of course the random numbers should be different on each printed sheet, and just copying the same SEND sheet would be an unspeakable anathema, and so if one is printing out more than 1 SEND sheet, in order to get the numbers to change for each print out, just Select all the Random Number Boxes, Copy them, and then Paste them off to the side, and that will make the original boxes update to new numbers, and then you just have to delete the boxes that you pasted off to the side before hitting PRINT.  The idea of using Random Numbers is so the ‘Sender’ does not have to get subjectively involved with picking and choosing what to Send, and the Receiver doesn’t have to worry about whether to guess what kind of ‘Mind Games’ the Sender might be playing with his or her ‘picks’.   The Sender or Experiment Administrator (if the Experiment is designed that way) simply has to draw circles around the Elements on the SEND sheet that corresponds to the Random Numbers, indicating that those are the Elements to be ‘sent’.   The RECEIVE sheet is the same as the SEND sheet except it is marked SEND and it does not have the Random Number boxes and it should remain pure a pristine until the Receiver draws the circles.   


As I said above, the Experiment could be conducted in several ways.  Most simply, an Experiment Administrator could generate the two Experiment Sheets, circle the Elements corresponding to the Random Numbers on the Send Sheet, and then perhaps take a minute or two to allow the sight and consciousness of the Circled Send Sheet to sink in and register (within the Collective Consciousness), and finally to mail the second sheet to the Receiver Subject.  The Receiver upon receipt of the Receive Sheet would then circle the choices of what he or she decides that he or she has ‘received’, and then mail it back.  Of course if the Experiment Administrator is conducting more than one experiment at a time, he or she would have to develop a Control Protocol whereby the Experimental Sheets are identified as inseparable pairs, such as writing “X 101” in the corner of both the SEND and RECEIVE sheets.   This version of the Experiment would be easiest to administer, but it does seem a bit detached.  However, such an Experimental Formal would be similar to the methodology that the Remote Scientific Viewers were using (both the Soviet and the American Military Intelligence Organizations had their own offices of Remote Scientific Viewers).  The methodology of RSV was to write a detailed Intelligence Question on a sheet of paper and then seal it in an envelope on which they would write a Control Number  and then they would file it.  Then, let’s say for example that the Control Number is 748, they would go to their Remote Viewer person, without the envelope, and simply say “Give us what you can get concerning number 748?”… That’s all.  The Remote Viewer should have no ‘objective’ idea at all regarding what “748” is referring to.  That keeps his or her mind open to any possibility.


A version of the Experiment I would be more interested in, as being much less ‘detached’ though a bit more complicated, would involve two professedly Awakened Subjects.  Two Sets of Controlled Pairs of Experiment Spreadsheets would be used, and each of the two Subjects could be given or mailed a Receive Sheet from one Pair and a Send Sheet from the other.   The Subjects then could coordinate with each other for a time convenient for each of them, or a 3rd Party Administrator could do the coordinating between the two Subjects, if it is felt desirable that the two subjects should not be made aware of the each other’s identities.  The specified time would have to be an exact 20 minutes, with the two subjects participating in synch, even if time zones apart.    The two subjects could use this one particular Time Clock Website to coordinate and synch up with:  which has Hour, Minute, and Second, as well as various Time Zones that the subjects could agree upon in advance.    For instance, if the two subjects decided to begin the Experiment at 8:00 London Time then the Subject who agreed to be the first Sender could take exactly one minute to ‘Send’ an  Idea of their first circled Element in the first Category.  And the subject who agreed to be the first Receiver could take that same minute to ‘receive’ the Idea and draw a circle around that Element on his or her blank ‘Receive’ Sheet.   At each passing minute, the Subjects would move onto the next Category on the list.  There are 10 categories which would take 10 minutes, and after the 1st Pair  of Sheets are complete, the Subjects would ‘switch over on the fly’, as they say, and the Subject who was Sender would now become the Receiver, and visa versa, and the second Pair of Sheets could be completed in the second 10 Minutes.  To finish up they would take their sheets, stuff them into envelopes and send them back to the Administrator, or get in touch with each other and grade the sheets themselves –that’s if the Experiment was being done rather informally.  


Now, regarding Grading and Significance – it wasn’t long in thinking about it before I determined that 10 Categories of 10 Elements each would be the best Intuitive Way to go.  This is because the Probability of correctly ‘guessing’ one thing from a single List of 10 is ‘1 in 10’, meaning that 9 times out of 10 a person would guess wrong and come up completely empty.  But given 10 separate Lists with each List having 10 Elements, the Probability would be that even by just guessing an overall score of at least 1out of 10 would be the likely outcome.   A ‘2 out of 10’ would be Lucky.  A ‘3 out of 10’ would be a real long shot.  So I would retest anybody who scored a ‘3 out of 10’ because if they could repeat at that level, we and everyone else would want to know what is going on.  If we found people who could test at such significant levels on our little informal home grown Experiment, then we could probably get some real University involved in conducting Experiments that even they could take seriously.  


But at our Level our primary concern would be to show ourselves what we are dealing with, not just at the personal level anymore, but as regards to what will certainly begin taking on tangible Social Manifestations – that the Upsurge in Kundalini Awakenings is actually the Dawning of the Age of Collective Consciousness.

Of course, the Experiments might also come back flat, indicating that whatever the Kundalini is in each of us, it is isolated and self-contained.  Then the concern would go in the direction of showing the Kundalini to be the Stuff of Superior Individuals, and offering a new avenue for the Selfishness of the Strong to exploit the meekness of the Weak.  But I do hope that finally the ‘We’s’ can win out over the ‘Me’s’, and that the next grand step in Evolution will be toward the Strengthening of Human Society and not just of Human Individuals.   As far as Evolution must see it, it’s best to Survive as a Society than to let a few Strong Individuals kill us all and Destroy the Planet while they’re doing it.  And the flowering of a Collective Consciousness would actually give Society a Unitary Mind, and a Society that Actually Thinks with One Mind would be quantum leaps stronger than any rat’s nest of selfish scheming individuals who would hope to exploit and contain it.   So I’ll have to cross my fingers and hope to luck that the Experiments land on the bright side.