Friday, September 12, 2014

Blog Index

Blog is organized entirely be being in Chronological Order, so it is difficult to find anything.  Well, it took a while but I figured out how to copy my File Names in my computer to a text document.  Below are the Titles, or Working Titles of the essays that appear in this Blog, for the most part.  Simply use these titles to search up the Blog Entry you would like to read.  see below:


2012 Prophecy The Pope Passes

A Better Understanding of God

A Dangerous Economic Cycle

A Marian View of Christ

A Mormon President Means Death Camps for the Rest of Us

A Real Avatar a Real Christ a Real Matraiya

Abortion and Pet Ownership

Aesthetics Versus Reason

Almuse Electric Coil Electric Mandolins and Mandolas

Alternatives to Costly Wars of Occupation

America or Mexico

An Alternative to Genocide

An Argument Against Privacy

An Essay on Writing Essays

An Objective Look At Crimea

An Open Letter to Carly Rose Sonenclar

Anarchy vs Communism

Andrew Daley's Anger Management East and West

Angel of God

Angels and The Brown Scapular and Our Lady of Mount Carmel

Annie Lennox Christmas Cornucopia

Barrie Wilson's How Jesus Became Christian

Being too Lucid in a Lucid Dream

Believing Everything

Benazir Bhutto Murder Engineered by the West

Black Sin Red Sin

Blog - Shortcut.lnk

Borrowing Term Papers Without Plagiarism

Bringing Home Kitty

Buddha Boy

Bumper Sticker Doctrine of Free Sin


Can Spirituality Resort To Economic Theory

Capitalism versus Civilization


Cat Book

Cat Ear Hematoma or Pillow Ear and the Various Treatments

Child Molesting and the End to Salvation

China Moving Toward Civilization

Chinese American War

Chipping People the Latest Surveillance Technology

Choose, Are You YOU or Everything

Christianity Fruit of the Poison Tree

Civilization and the Internet

Collapse of the Collective Consciousness and the God Complex

Colonics vs Enemas

Contingency for World Economic Disaster

Cooperation Evolutionary Leap

Could Space Aliens Be Bad

Creating a Better God

Dangers In a Post Racial World

Debate and Who Wins and Who Loses

Defining Left and Right

Democracy Is Dictatorship

Democracy Is Inherently Corrupt

Desperate Appeals for a Walk In to Take Over

Discussion of Free Will

Do Jews Love Christians As Much As Christians Love Jews

Dream Levitation and Jumping the Monkey

Dream of Driving Two Cars

Dream of My Instigating Group Integration and Synthesis Jun13

Economic Growth versus Planning

Education In America

Effective Rule Vs Checks and Balances

Electric Violins Fender FV3 vs NS Design WAV4

Elitist Gentlemen Racists vs Fair Minded Failures

Enchanted, a Wonderful Movie

Enemas Will Save Your Life and Ease Hemorrhoids

Evil Monks

Explaining Failure With Faith

Father Nacho Raising the Dead and Curing the Flu

Feelings Over Thinking

Fender Needs a Premium Electric Violin

First German Letter

Floppy B String on 5 and 6 String Bass

Freedom and Privacy

Freedom of Speech minus Secrecy

Georgia Russia and America

Global Warming as Weapon

Global Warming Strategies

Globalization As a Model For Failure

God As A Psychological Event

God the Intelligent Universe

Golden Melody Harmonicas and Harmonicas In General

Government Sponsors Crime

Growth Model Capitalism

Happy This Year A Manual on Self Delusion

Happy This Year A Stupid Book

Health Benefits of High Colonic Enemas

Heaven on Earth and Gov as God

Humbucker Telecaster

If Ram Bomjon Really Wants People to Stay Away

India Terrorism Prevented and People Should be Chipped

International Communism Will Be American


Iran IS Democracy

Is Barbarism Better

Is Buddhism Positive or Negative

Is Enlightenment Individual or Collective

Is Prowinds Any Good

Is X Factor a Fixed Southern Fried Fraud

Its God or Us

Jay Haide Balestrieri Violin Review

Jesus is Not God

Jesus Resigned being Messiah

Joys of Being a Linguist

Kicked Out of Hinduism

Laughing and Laughter

Laws We Are Serious About

Learning Music The Easy Way

Legal Extortion Should Be Illegal

Legalize Recreational Marijuana Why Not Something Better

Legal Reform Defense Strategy Kill All the Witnesses

Legalism vs

Les Carter The Anger Trap, Anger Management at its Tip Top

Lessons Learned about Scooter CVT Transmissions

Lessons Learned With Second Languages

List of Things that will Destroy Us

Losing Weight and Solving the Obesity Problem

Making Peace With Enemies

Meditation Yoga and Enlightenment

Mellow Out that Electric Violin

Metal Plated Glass Bead Free Energy

Misconceptions about Serfdom


Morality and Evolution

Morality for Profit

More than a Jewish Holocaust

Morgan Monroe Electric Coil Pickup Mandolin

Music Practice

My Seven Gusavolls

Narco Terrorism

Natalie Maines An Avoidable Disaster

New Anti Insurgency Weapon

No Technique for Miracles

No to Obama and His Syrian War Sep13

No Way Out for the Pope

NS Design CR WAV NXT Violin Viola Modification

NS Design CR4 Violin and CR4 Viola

NS Design CR4 Violin

Obama Beat Them Black and Blue

Obama Riots Win or Lose

Observation on the Car Buying Experience

One Hundred Requisites for Civilization

Ongoing Saga of Ram Bomjon P2

Open Letter to the UFO People

Paul Against Paul

Paul And the Cycle of Corruption

Paul Commits the Unforgivable Sin

Paul in Detail

Paul the Antichrist

Paul the Holy Spirit and Gnosticism

Paul the Third Person of the Trinity

Paulism and Turning Logic Around

Paulo Coelho The Alchemist

Paying for Wars Perpetuates War

Permissive Morality Amorality Evil

Pet Store Notes

Pharmaceutical Companies and Recreational Drugs

Physiological Proof of Religious Visionary Experiences

Pirate Island As An Economic Model

Plan To Save the Warming World

Playing the Violin

Political Compromise and Political Necessity

Politics Has Always Been Nasty

Positive and Negative Enlightenments

Practical Reasons for Religious Tolerance


Problems in Studying Collective Consciousness

Problems of Sin in Religion

Problems with Democracy

Problems With Spiritual Success

Problems with the Immortal Soul and Reincarnation

Profit Motive Media and Culture Collapse

Pros and Cons of Alcohol Abuse

Prosecuting War Crimes only Prolongs War

Public Tyranny vs Private Tyranny

Question About Burma

Radical Islam vs Western Radicalism

Really Stupid People

Reasonableness of Pessimism and Barbarism

Red Eye and Infected Third Eyelid in My Cat

Religion as Ethnicity

Religion Looking Back and Looking Forward

Religions Are Of Two Kinds

Religious Based Rehab In Secular Society

Review NS Design WAV 4 Violin

Rod Stewart Beautiful Morning

Romans 6 thru 12

Romans Paul in Detail

Rule of Law Meaningless as Judges Interfer

Rule of Law the Nonideal

Russian to War

Safety and Secularism Versus Religious Freedom

Satan and His Personal Relationship with Jesus Christ

Severe Night Cramps Asparagus Allergy

Sexuality and Spirituality

Short Essay or Long Essays

Simon Anders

Sin and Redemption

So Arabs Want Democracy

So He Wouldnt Cut His Hair

Social Dynamics Priests vs Warriors vs Money

Spiritual Self Animal Self Dream Self

Spiritual Shortcutting

Spiritual Vegetarianism a Problematic Issue

Spirituality and Celibacy

Splendidly Enlightened Dreams

State Secrecy Stifling Saving Technologies

Subjugating Afghanistan

Susan Doyle The Soloist and Music

Talking to God Learning the Language of Ram Bomjon

Tara the Hero Cat, And Evolutionary Milestone

Tenured Research or No Research

Text From Constantine


The Age of the Unthinkable

The Approaching End of the World Jun10

The Big Problem with the End of the World

The Columbian Rescue Beyond Corruption

The Conservative Mindset is Adolescent

The Danger of Liberal Political Freedoms

The Dangerous Bush Legacy

The Dark Sides of Democracy

The Decline and Threat of America

The Evil Side of Grace

The Faculty of True Discernment

The Free Masons and Conspiracy Theory

The Institutional Money Hole and Special Interests

The Jewish Paradox

The Joys of a Multi

The Left Should Welcome the Surveillance Society

The Mindless Tenacity of Barbarism

The Myth of Peaceful Protest

The New Black Experience

The Nuclear Power Fresh Water Solution to Global Warming

The October Surprise

The Ongoing Saga of Ram Bomjon

The Paradox of the War Against Drugs

The Pearly Gates

The Police State

The Productivity Recession

The Right to Peaceful Protest

The Soviet Lesson  Black Markets A Danger to Primary Economies

The Syrian Attack October Surprise

The True Meaning of Christmas

The True Purpose of Military Weapons

The Truth Is The Jews Hate Us

The UFO Invasion

The Virgin Mary and a Love Story

The Will To Be Thin

The Woodward Secret Operation

The World Can Not Be Democratic

This is your Dream Orientation

Thoughs on Kundalini Meditation White Light

Thoughts Concerning J Oct8

Thoughts on the Validity of Miracles

Three Changes for Civilization

Time Does Not Exist

To Save or Destroy

Tom G. Steven's You Can Choose to Be Happy

Torture and Atheist Morality

Turning a Jazzmaster Into a Baritone Guitar

Two Different Dreams of Death

UFO People and a Model of a Viable Civilization

UK Amazon missing order Sep8

Using Spirituality for Miracles and Magic

Varieties of Spirituality

Vice Presidents Very Important This Time

Violin Collar

War On Terror War On Crime

Warthe Refusal to Make Peace

Was Jesus Poor

We Need Planned Economies

We now summon the Red Bishop

Western Civilization Survival Projections

What Iraq

What is a Lobbyist

What is the Use of Dreams

What the Second Amendment Really Says

What To Do About Islam's Violence

What Would Enlightenment Be

Where Religion Meets Materialism

White Light Paramahansa Dream

Why Did God Abandon Christ

Why Do We Think Tibet is So Spiritual

Why I Converted to Catholicism

Why Islam Will

Why the Bail Out

Will the Messiah Be a Woman

Win or Lose Republicans

Wood Brand Viper Violins

World War Three by Plague, Part Two

World War Three by Plague

Yin and Yang does not Include Evil

Yin Yang Good Evil Big Small instead of White and Black



Do Jews Love Christians As Much As Christians Love Jews

No, of course not.

I am of course thinking about how that insane and delusional Senator Cruz from Texas walked out on a Christian Meeting because some of the members were not sufficiently ‘Jewish’ enough, that is, aligned with the Extreme Israeli Political Right Wing (The Cream of the Chosen People, I suppose you could call them) – Senator Cruz was quoted as saying things like “if you hate Israel, then you hate America”.   I believe he even said something like “the Jews are Christian’s best friends”…. Huh?  Why would they be?

Jews, from the Historical Perspective, don’t think they owe much to Christians.  On the other hand, they can claim most of their Persecutions had come at the hands of Christians.  Now, today, as a kind of Historical Aberration, the Jews, well, more specifically the Nation of Israel, derives a great deal of benefit from America, a Christian Nation by Majority, but, really, they don’t see the Christians as, well, ‘Rational Partners’ in this benevolence … the Israelis are perhaps only taking advantage of what they probably perceive as a Crazy and Irrational Protestant Doctrine – that the New Testament (from the Bible)  Revelation of John (last book in the New Testament) prophesized that there would be a Final Battle, Good against Evil, well, rather, Jews against Everybody Else, and that the Jews would win and get to go to Heaven while everybody else would have to fry in Hell.  The Protestant Corollary… I should say ‘The Protestant Wishful Adjunct’ to this Prophecy is that anybody who helps the Jews in the Final Battle will receive the same Reward as the Jews and be treated by God as sort of Honorary Jews.   You know, it is funny how Religions can make up Doctrines out of virtual Thin Air and place so much Faith in them, and commit so much to them, when, really, if you read the Words, there is really nothing beyond Thin Air there to support it.  In the Book of Revelations, we have no mention of some Foreign Nation from the Other Side of the World, for instance, a Country like America, that is saved by God because they Leased some F-16 Fighter Planes to the Jews at zero interest and at below Recommended Retail so that the Jews could annihilate all of the other Gentiles of the World at below the usual Market Costs.  No, the Big Climax in the Book of Revelations is that the Jews, and only the Jews, are saved.  It is simply Idiotic for anybody but a Jew to believe in the Book of  Revelations, for to everybody but a Jew The Book of Revelation  is simply a letter of guarantee that he will be damned for not having been born a Jew (while it is in Bad Form for any other people to pretend to be a Master Race, for Jews it is okay because from the very beginning they thought that about themselves and so they built a Religion around it, to make a virtue of their Hatred and Contempt for the rest of Humanity.  The wonder of it is that so many Other People believe their Book of Hatred… it is like Jews believing in Hitler’s “Mein Kampf”).  Well, you might complain of my argument, that the Book of Revelations was about Christians, not Jews.   Well, no, it wasn’t, not really.  The Christians you are thinking about, the source of all Modern Christians, Protestant or Catholic, resulted from the Greek Peoples adopting a funny kind of  non-genuine Greek Styled Christianity.   But the Book of Revelations was not about some Greek Pretender Religion, but about those who were at the time considered to be the Best and Truest  Jews, and that is those who had considered Jesus Christ to have been the JEWISH Messiah.   The Greeks later went to some lengths to convince their own People that Jesus came as the Messiah for Everybody…. But, Jesus never said that, did He?   Jesus was a Jew and never in his entire life did he ever reach out to ‘convert’ a Gentile.  That was Paul… the ‘apostle’ that all of the Truly Jewish Apostles rather repudiated .   Honestly, it would have been better all around if the Gentiles, that is the Greeks, would have found their own Religion (and the Greek World had its Saints… equal or even better than Jesus the Jew… Appolonius of Tyana walked on water too).   As it is they forswore developing a truly Universal Religion so that they could posit as its First Principal that only the Jews were the Chosen People of God and that Gentiles would need to beg and crawl to the Jews in order to obtain their Salvation, being admitted into Heaven as a kind of Slave Class.  


 But Israel KNOWS that the Protestant Elite in America BELIEVES IT and are very willing to ‘beg and crawl’, and they certainly are wise enough in maintaining their own self-interest not to laugh in the faces of the America Fanatics for their deranged silliness, and to keep quiet and pretend to be pious while the Fanatical Americans send so much Money and Weapons their way.   It is as though every morning when you went out to go to work you met a stinky crazy homeless person at your doorstep, but that he handed you a nice clean stapled bag of fresh donuts and coffee from Starbucks, with a fresh crisp Hundred Dollar Bill.  You would not chase him away, would you?   You might think he is crazy, but you would not risk sending him away by calling him that to his face, would you?  So it is between the Israeli Jews and the American Christians.   The Jews have no respect for their crazy benefactors.  Christians are simply a momentary resource for the Jews.

And we need to remember an odd fact of History, and that is, considering how many Nations had hosted Jews during the several thousand years of the Jewish Diaspora, the Jews are now grateful to none, and considering all of their Hosts they have made no lasting friends.  If America thinks that Israel is a true friend, well, they should wait.  Why should America be treated differently from anybody else.   The fact is that Jews don’t make friends.  As the Chosen People of God, the fact is, for them, that everyone is beneath them.   

Oh, and then there are the Millions of American Jews.   Israel does not have to be grateful to the American Christians.  Israel only has to be thankful for the clever American Jews who had been able to manipulate and hoodwink the American Protestant Establishment.      

So, in the face of all this grim reality, we have the likes of Senator Cruz from Texas asserting the proposition that the one true test of being a loyal American is first showing a primary loyalty first to Israel.  Really, shouldn’t we think that Senator Cruz needs to be arrested for being an Agent of a Foreign Power and betraying the Interests of the United States… I suppose such a thing must be against some kind of an American Law.   Just think if he had said that the test for being a Loyal American was to show absolute loyalty to Kim in North Korea or Putin in Russia, well, you could only imagine how much trouble he would have gotten into for that.  But for some reason he can hand over All American Sovereignty to the Interests of Israel, and he’s still a free man…. Might even be President someday. 

Well, it’s no wonder for a Politician to be so, well, zealous in the Cause of Israel.    You see, Israel, while it owes a great deal to a voluntary Partisanship on the part of Fanatical American Protestants, was practical enough to Institutionalize and Perpetualize American Political Good Will.  For instance, now, in Washington, the largest Contributions into Political Campaigns, going to members of Both Parties, is from Political Front Organizations backed by Israel.  In effect, as long as an American Politician is Pro-Israel, then he is given the same amount of money as his political rivals so that he can compete on an even playing field come Election Season, but if he should ever criticize Israel, or even hint at voting against any Pro-Israeli Bill, then the Contributions get cut, and his political career becomes a matter of History.   In a Sense, Senator Cruz is right – that American Politicians, as a matter of fact, have to Prove more Loyalty to the State of Israel than to any Constituency in America… no one in America gives them so much money (well, the National Rifle Association Nuts try to make the same kind of payouts, but they are limited by the income of their Members – a bunch of low class red necks who can’t make a political contribution without it cutting into their beer and bullet money.   

But where do the Jews get all the money they Contribute toward buying up the American Political Establishment… It is not as though the American Jews and the Israelis are all that Rich, though some we might guess are rather well off, but it probably has more to do with the Israelis having a good sustainable Business Model for maintaining the Funding that is required.   This is probably how it works – when America ‘gives’ something to Israel, it isn’t just put into a package and delivered FREE with a bow on top, no, it is done through the usual Business Channels.  For instance, F-16 Fighter Planes going to Israel are probably sold ‘whole sale’ to one Israeli Company who then Sells them to the Israeli Military for a Retail Price, which America subsidizes with its Zero Interest Rate loan deals.  Well, the difference between Whole Sale and Retail – Wow, you don’t have to explain that to any Jew, but to you Gentiles out there, that is a lot of money.   But the Israelis aren’t greedy about it… not blindly greedy anyway… they know that if they want to keep the Cash Coming, then they have to kick some of it back to encourage Future Prospects.  So they take about 40% of the Money they Made for Doing Nothing and funnel it into Political Contributions to America Politicians, Political Parties and Public Officials… to lock the entire American Governmental Establishment into perpetuating the Same Continuous Flow of Money.  The Bright Side here is that we can believe that at least not everybody in American Politics is some kind of a Religious Nut… most are probably just Corrupt.  

So, anyway, somewhere between Fanaticism and Corruption, is the Mingled Essence of Senator Cruz’s stated Loyalty to Israel first before America… that on one hand he recognizes the Political Fact that Israel is pulling all of the strings and effectively controls most of the Political Power in America, and that, on the other hand, his own Immortal Soul is worthless unless he can convince the God of the Jews that he would make a Great Slave in Heaven.   But, honestly, if you were a Jew in a Jewish Heaven… keeping in mind that many Jews don’t believe in life after death, but if you could just suppose the possibility, would you want Senator Cruz from Texas around, even as just a bowing and scraping fawning slave?    It’s unpleasant to even think about.   You know, sometimes Hell is just for people that God finds simply too annoying to socialize with for All Eternity.  


Poor Senator Cruz.  You know, if you are going to believe in a Religion that has just one Chosen People and everyone else loses the Big Final Battle and gets damned in the end, well, you should make sure first that you are one of the Chosen People.   Only an idiot would believe in a Religion where you are automatically Second Rate.     




Sunday, September 7, 2014

Pharmaceutical Companies and Recreational Drugs

I just blogged concerning the inadvisability of legalizing Recreational Marijuana, because of all the terrible side-effects.   I suggested that the Pharmaceutical Companies be give a Green Flag to develop Recreational Drugs.  Then it occurred to me that the Pharmaceutical Companies have been largely quiet on the issue.

why aren't they pushing to be allowed to develop a 'Better Pot'... a Safer Ecstacy... so on an so forth?

why such reticence?

Oh... in America they could be threatened by the FDA.... if they push for legalized Recreational Drugs then the FDA can refuse to approve or drag their feet on all of the drugs already in the Approval Pipeline.   But what stops the European Pharmaceutical Companies... except that they probably need the same FDA Approvals before they can distribute Drugs in Big Market America. 

It appears that the FDA has a Political Mind of its own.  Agencies really need to stay out of Politics.  

Legalizing Recreational Marijuana... Legalize Something Better!

 Its a singular proof that the American Public has already smoked too much, that they want to Legalize Recreational Marijuana, when, if they still had any thinking capacity left, they would rather Legalize Recreational Drugs in General, which would then open the Door for the Big Pharmaceutical Companies to develop Euphoric Drugs, with the same or better Pleasant Feel that Marijuana has, but with none or less of the horrible side-effects that Marijuana has.

Look at HOW BAD Marijuana is -- young people who smoke it before their brains are fully developed are giving up IQ points (enough to make a Normal Person into an Idiot).   Steady Smokers slur their speech.  Steady Smokers show a lack of motivation and become passive and apathetic.  Marijuana increases appetite and may be one of the reasons behind the Big Obesity Epidemic.

Does any of that sound good to anybody?  So why Legalize that kind of Ditch Weed, when if the Pharmaceutical Companies are given the Green Flag, they could develop Drugs that could make us High without Screwing Us Up.

Right now the FDA (Federal Drug Administration) is a bit constrained by own regulations, one of which stipulates that Approved Drugs, by their definition, have to treat some kind of Disease, that is, they have to in some way help a Person in some Negative State of Health get back to the Neutral State of Health.   So, somehow it is against Their Institutional Rules to allow for any Drug that has the purpose of taking Persons of Neutral or even Good health and IMPROVING UPON IT.   But once we already have our first Recreational Drug Legalizations, then this NO DRUG ABOVE NEUTRAL Clause would already be relegated away… that is if the FDA ever comes to Recognize any of the State Recreational Drug Legalizations. 

Anyway, just a slight Tweak to the FDA Regulations, permitting for Drugs that might Improve Life Satisfaction – Drugs that can take us to an Health-Plus State of Being.   We must Unchain the Capacity of our Pharmaceutical Companies to not just fight the Negatives, but to allow them also to give us more of the Positives.

Eurphoric Drugs would make people Happy, and would that be so bad?  Especially if we could preclude Idiotic Side Effects.

Well, Historically anyway, not everyone has always wanted to be Happy.  Just look – America has a Puritanical Background.   The Calvinists would say that the Working Classes are already the Reprobate… the Un-Elect of God (or they would have been born Rich, or gotten Rich, like any good Presbyterian or Puritan) and so Life for them is just a way station to Hell, and if they belong in Hell, they certainly should not be allowed to be Happy in the World.   And then there is also the matter that the Puritans are a sad and morbid group in themselves… pushing for all that Money to prove to themselves that they are not Damned, well, so they reject happiness for themselves also.  But is this Past Way of Thinking important to us now?   And let us try to put these Puritans into something of a Modern Perspective – These Puritans were nothing more than the European and American branches of the Talaban, and their way of thinking. 

We need to get happy, even if it takes drugs for us to be able to do that.   But NOT Marijuana… unless you WANT TO BE a fat slurred speech apathetic idiot.   We put a Man on the Moon.   We should be able to make ourselves Happy without hurting ourselves at the same time.