At the turn of the 20th Century one of the larger
social questions was in determining which threat was worse, Anarchy or
Communism. It seemed that dangerous
radicals and revolutionaries were forgoing the advantages of solidarity against
the Establishment, and were dividing off into two different camps – the Camp of
Anarchy and that of Communism. The
Anarchists wanted to restrain the powers and reach of government so that there
would be no limit on what private individuals could amass for themselves, in
terms of both wealth and private military power. They recognized no moral authorities, and
would do whatever it took to advance their causes, and were often referred to
as “Bomb Throwers”. On the other hand
were the Communists. The Communists did
not argue over the need to have Government, but only quarreled over what Class
such a Government would be most responsive to.
At first the Communists expressed great support for the Working Class,
but as Communist Regimes actually arose, it seemed more as though Communism was
a system that most well supported and represented a Managerial Class,
surprisingly not unlike Modern Capitalism where owners have virtually
disappeared from the Corporations and Factories and have largely been replaced
by salaried Managers… Capitalism’s own ‘Party Members’, so to speak.
The Twentieth Century saw a lot of conflict between these
two camps, the Anarchists and the Communists.
At first Governments were as suspect of one group as the other, but when
actual Communist Governments began to appear, it seemed the tendency for
Western Governments to take to heart that Wisdom that comes to us from some old
Islamic Bandit, I forget his name, that says, “the enemy of my enemy is my friend”. If Anarchists were the Enemy to Communism,
then they became the Friends of Western Democracy. Such strange paradoxes then ensued, the most
striking I find is that Governments seemed to support the spread of strongly Anti-Government
Literatures. We have Orwell writing
several ‘Classics’ whose primary theme was that All Evil originates in
Government. Yes, Communism, as being
the Strongest Form of Government, took the brunt of this Propaganda Punishment,
but Western Democracies appeared to have no fear that when communism would
fall, then, well, Western Governments would THEN become by default the Next Strongest
Forms of Government left as obstructions in the Path of a Perfectly Complete
Victory for the Anarchists.
So, Communism did virtually get all wiped away. Well, has anybody heard of any great Victory Parade
for the Anarchists? Well, no. No one even speaks of Anarchism any more, but
why is that? I would guess that it is because
the term Anarchy is not a reputable one.
The Anarchists certainly would not call themselves that, would
they? No, they prefer names like “Tea
Party” or Libertarians. They band together
in parties that attempt to cripple governments by attacking their sources of
revenue – they fight taxes. And they
attack government’s ability to apply Power, by legislating restrictions to law
enforcement and restrictions to the collection of information. They are great believers in the rights of
What we end up with under the Secret Rule of Anarchy is with
Governments that appear in name only, but which are effectively powerless to
achieve any significant social or economic goal, and where most of the Real
Power has reverted to Individuals and Private Corporations.
So now it is the 21Century and the World is now on the brink
of the combined Catastrophes of Global
Economic Collapse and Ecological Disaster, and the only Real Powers that exist
are fragmented between thousands of Individual Interests whose only concern about
Economic Collapse is that all the others fall further down than they do,
leaving themselves to be the relative ‘Winners’… the Last Men Standing, so to
speak; and their only concern about
Ecological Disaster is that it is only a Poor Person Problem, that whatever
happens to everybody else, the Super Wealthy will still be able to afford Mansions
with effective ‘Climate Control’.
Oh, and we also have those Anarchists who invested heavily
in the Military Industrial Complex, and so it is that we never really did ever totally
escape the “Bomb Throwers”. Look now at
how much Political Support there is for trying to “Democratize” the Middle East
by simply pouring guns and munitions into the Region. To me it looks like a very cynical attempt by
Western Anarchists to establish first and foremost who the Worst Losers will be
in the Globalization Regime. You know,
Globalization, the name America gives to its World Empire, was never about
cooperation and Universal Prosperity, but was simply a program to establish “House
Rules” across all the Economic Centers and Societies of the World, that would
end with America coming out the eventual Winner and sucking the Wealth away from
every other Region. Now, as we have it
today, after the ‘Arab Spring’ that was pushed forward by American Propaganda
and promises of support, the Muslim World has become so fractured and
destabilized that it is virtually knocked out of play. China
is a different problem. The Americans
had unfortunately believed their own propaganda about the inherent
inefficiencies of Socialism and in giving China an inch, China took one hundred
thousand miles of Economic Advantage. So
far China is the big Winner is Globalization, but the game is far from
over. I expect that America will wait for some
excuse to happen in China and impose Economic Sanctions, as they had with Iran,
that would effectively cancel out American
and European debt to China, which would destroy the Chinese Economy while at
the same time relieving the most significant debt pressures on the West.
I’d like to say that there is some solution for this
problem, but at this point I am afraid that everything will simply take its
course, and Civilization will collapse. The
Wolves won’t listen to the finer wisdom of the Sheep, indeed, the Wolves are
too stupid even to understand what the sheep are ba, ba baing about. The
Wolves will consume too many of the Sheep, and so many Sheep will simply die
from the Horrible Times, that the Wolves will be left only with the one last
option of Eating Themselves. There will
not be anything left. That is how we
define the Collapse of a Civilization. A
New Civilization will only emerge when people again begin to believe in Order
and Collective Authority. The Meek
shall inherit the earth.