I wonder that everyone has so low an estimation of the Public Peace, that they can consider anything ‘peaceful’ whose sole intent is to cause disruption and I have been in enough Peaceful Protests to know that their intent it to cause the most disruption possible. Apparently what is meant by ‘Peace’ here is simply the absence of any intent, starting off, of actually murdering anybody. Yet how often do these Peaceful Protests naturally and even intentionally escalate into riots, where, if murder isn’t deliberate, then only the densest of idiots should not have expected it as a simple matter of course.
We only need to look at some of the very numerous instances in History. Well, yes, the whole idea of ‘Peaceful Protest’ is of only relatively recent invention – we had Thoreau’s idea of civil disobedience, and then Gandhi and Martin Luther King – all three intellectually presiding over some of the most violent riots in History, all while preening their non-violent credentials.
I had visited India in the Eighties and met a certain Professor at one of the more fashionable Guru Ashrams. He had known Gandhi from one of the British Prison Camps where the British kept everybody they would suspect of Treason while they fought the Japanese and the Germans during World War Two. The Professor told the story of a young man hounding Gandhi for advice on Non-Violence, not saying that the young man was himself, but it probably was, as such stories go. Anyway, Gandhi is finally fed up with being bothered by this annoying young man and lets out that he never believed in Non-Violence for a second, that he was first a foremost a Lawyer, and that the British could only hang him for sedition if he OVERTLY ESPOUSED VIOLENCE. So, while engineering the largest and deadliest riots in human history, he was careful to instruct the Rioters to be peaceful, knowing full well that People’s Nature would take over and do what it would always do. For Gandhi Non-Violence was not a Philosophy of Peace. It was a Legal Stratagem.
Anyway, these 3 Big Philosophers for Peaceful Protest have conditioned the World to assume that every GATHERING RIOT has to be by some given logic a “Peaceful Protest”. Does anybody ever bother to go into such mobs to ask what the general disposition of that particular collective mind happens to be? I’m sure that it would be learned that most every body is intent upon assembling such a preponderance of Numbers and weight of Force that the Government or Ruling Classes could be overthrown, and, yes, by means of murderous bloodbath if it comes to that. No, it does not have to be the deliberate plan of each individual – they might not awake in the morning with murder on their minds, but the typical dynamic of Mob Violence never involves the deliberate intent of every individual. However, it is extremely naïve to suppose that the Mob Leaders don’t know what is what, and while they strenuously claim that they did EVERYTHING to keep their Mobs under control, they never renounce the Gains that the Mob Violence brings them. Gandhi readily accepted Indian Independence that came at the cost of millions of lives snuffed out by his ‘peaceful demonstrations’, and Martin Luther King must have celebrated that he was able to coerce the American Government in to granting his people special benefits and privileges based solely on their race and ethnic affiliation only after his ‘peaceful protests’ had lead to a series of American Cities being burned to the ground. If any other Race had jobs and college slots left open to them solely on the bases of their Race, well, that would be Racist. But if you can burn down a few Cities and threaten to burn more, that changes things in no way that a Peaceful Protest ever could have.
When has there ever been a Peaceful Demonstration? Yes, they remain peaceful as long as they are small and unsuccessful. But whenever sufficient numbers show up and the crowd senses their advantage, they all turn to riot. I can only suppose that America and America’s European Lap Dogs know this Truth, and by pushing by every means the acceptance of Peaceful Protest upon Nations outside of American Jurisdiction, they are only aiming at their destabilization and overthrow. America does not advance Peaceful Protest around the World in order to advance the cause of Peace, but because they consider the bloody overthrow of Non-American Regimes to be in their own self-interest – that by destroying another People’s Golden City, they can make off with one silver candlestick they didn’t have before – simple Barbarian Rapacity which is all America, or indeed England, has ever cared about. What should really concern us is the News Medias – the CNNs and the BBCs – that are nothing more than propaganda outlets for all of this sinister evil. Or perhaps these news people are REALLY so stupid as to believe what they are saying. Perhaps being stupid is one of their career requirements. After all, I can’t think of any News Person who has ever studied anything at University besides Journalism. No History, no Sociology, no Poly-Sci. They are kept like Perfect Airheads, and only taught about the 5 W’s (who what where when why). It’s like innocent children covering the News… except that most of them are a bunch of back stabbing drunks.
Now let’s look a few recent ‘peaceful demonstrations’, and see if these are the type of things we really want.
The Chinese Cultural Revolution started on the model of what would be called by the American and European Media as ‘Peaceful Protest’. And it was ‘peaceful’, that is, until the very moment when they saw their advantage and used it to capture every office of Government and then to unleash their Reign of Terror. 20 Million people were murdered in the wake of that Peaceful Protest. Then we had Tiananmen Square. The Chinese Officials knew for a fact what was at stake. These were the same Leaders, who, back when they were young, were the killers of the Cultural Revolution. THEY more than anybody knew what the Tiananmen Square Mob was capable of, indeed, what the Leaders of that Mob were deliberately planning. Nobody fills a Nation’s Capital with millions of potentially violent rioters for the simple fun of it.
America itself once had such a dilemma on their hands. After World War One, the veteran soldiers were upset that their pensions were so worthless at the same time as the Prohibition Laws forbade them the solace of getting Drunk about it, and so they marched upon Washington, the American Capitol, and set up a Tent City where they watched and waited as their numbers and strength gathered. It was ‘peaceful’ until it appeared that there were sufficient demonstrators available to overrun every Government Building and effectively pull-off a successful Coup, destroying the Federal Government if that had suddenly become their whim. So the Government, not wishing to be murdered in some great bloodbath, mobilized the Army and the demonstrators were dispersed, much as the Chinese dispersed the demonstrators at Tiananmen Square and just as the Burmese Government dispersed its rioters. America shakes a finger of blame at the Burmese Generals and at the Chinese, but America was not the least bit squeamish about charging the Cavalry into the Veterans Tent City. And I do not blame them for what they did then, but only for this later hypocrisy and convenient forgetfulness. One cannot allow the Fate of a Government and the stability and order of a Nation to hang upon the whims of a Mob of rioters – and anytime you have a few hundred thousand people in the same room, I’m sorry, but that’s a ‘Mob of Rioters’ – oh, unless we are talking of America’s new phenomena of Tourist Protestors and Fashion Protests – hundreds of thousands of ‘protestors’ coordinated by their Churches and Clubs to show up on a buses, to hear a few speeches and some celebrity singing, and then to leave on the same buses hardly before it gets dark. Its got to be more fun than simply going on a country picnic outing or a visit to Disney Land. But its not really a Protest while its fairly certain everyone will get back on the bus and leave. Its only Entertainment. And by conducting such staged events American Politicians can claim to the rest of the World that they permit free speech and public assembly.
But when protests aren’t carefully staged, when buses aren’t lined up to take everybody home when the last song is sung, then Violence is simply in the nature of such things. Again we can remember the Peaceful French Revolution, the Peaceful Russian Revolution, the Peaceful Chinese Revolution. Even the Peaceful American Revolution that murdered 3,000 British Peace Keepers at Bunker Hill.
Saturday, March 22, 2008
Sunday, March 16, 2008
Angel’s Lesson in Morality: Black Sin, Red Sin
Once an Angel, well actually two Angels in this particular instance, came to me in a Dream and lectured me upon the two sorts of Sin (the Angels had even come with a chalkboard and pointers) -- there is that kind of Sin that damns one to Hell, and there is the other kind of Sin that attaches only to the body and dies away when the body dies. These two types of Sin are called, by the Angels "Black Sin" and "Red Sin".
The Black Sins are premeditated evil – Evil done in cold blood, Evil done for profit. The intentional and deliberate crimes that victimize and exploit others are Black Sin. And so it is that Black Sins can be identified as primarily driven by selfish and greedy impulses of individuality. Black Sins are set against Community and Collectivity and are deliberate acts of defiance against Social Cooperation. Black Sins are the blows that bring down Civilizations.
The Red Sins, on the other hand, are the crimes of passion and appetite. Red Sins are the sins of the flesh. Every Red Sin is somewhat akin to that of a poor hungry man stealing a loaf of bread. If the appetite could be removed, then so would be any impulse to commit such a Sin. And this is exactly what happens when the body passes away; the soul is liberated from the Red Sins.
The worst that can be attributed to the Red Sins is that Souls can become habituated and identified within such behaviors – as in the case of a man who makes a hobby of sex or gluttony, and takes pride in such things, to the point in which such behaviors become integral to his definition of ‘self’. The soul who leaves the body and transitions toward a spiritual existence will feel lost if all of its priorities and sense of identity had been aligned around these bodily appetites that had of necessity dropped away when the body dropped away.
If the Soul should identify itself with these old carnal appetites, then these appetites will survive as something of ghost-like remnants – thought forms, or karmic contaminations. These will weigh upon the Soul, or cloud the soul’s clarity. The Soul much stained by Red Sin, clinging to the old appetites, will find itself too dense, and too dark to tolerate the Light of Heaven. You see, to the Pure and Clear Soul the Light of Heaven is a Pure Joy. But to the Dark Soul, the Light is absorbed and turns to Heat. The Pure Soul shines with the Light of Heaven because all such light passes through unobstructed – no light is contained, no light is absorbed. Purity is as clear as glass. But Impurity will block the light and hold the Heat – and this heat is both a Blessing and a Curse for the impure Soul. It purifies but it does so painfully. The Higher an impure Soul can ascend into the Spiritual Realms, by sheer Spiritual Ambition, the more Light it can then absorb, creating the heat that can burn away any trace of the Red Sins. This is Purgatory. But the Heat does indeed ‘burn’ – it is uncomfortable. The Soul requires a degree of positive motivation to tolerate such discomfort. The Soul needs to be reassured that the same Light that comes at first as Heat will eventually become Pure Bliss once its Purgative Functions have been completed.
We can see how certain Catholic Practices incline toward speeding up the process of diminishing the Red Sins. Catholics are encouraged to entirely discontinue sins of passion and appetite. Fasts are common, and in the Religious Orders, celibacy is insisted upon.
When the strength of appetites and passions are beyond the power of the Will to contain them, than remorse, repentance, and atonement are expected. It is hoped that by this, that after death, the Soul will gladly let these appetites simply fall away and not clutch at them – not allowing them their downward pull into the realms of the ghosts and the demons. A Soul only has to sincerely regret his Red Sins and feel relieved that the motivating physical appetites are gone, that is, transcended, for the “Red Karma” to simply drop away at death.
Therefore the Red Sins are not necessarily impediments to Heaven, or what we would call the Higher Spiritual or Angelic Realms.
Oh, by the way, there is a type of Dream that prepares us for dealing with our Red Sins. Reoccurring Dreams in which we are aware of being lost or having lost some desired possession – such dreams presage the dropping away of the Red Appetites at the time of Death – the Loss of the Red Sins. The ‘trick’ which we must learn from such Dreams is to let go of what was Lost. We must move forward and not look back. We must forget what was “lost” and look forward to new things. This practiced ability for Transcendence will become useful at the moment of our Death when we will by our engrained practice not look back, not feel ‘lost’ for having lost our lives, lost our bodies, lost our life-long acquaintances, friends and family, and that we will not search for our lost appetites and lost habits of the body. Not looking for what was Lost, our Souls will be untethered and free to Rise to the Higher Spiritual Levels. Indeed, even before our Death, we can use our Dreams transcendently, and we can infer the quality of our Afterlife by the quality of Our Dreams.
What makes the Black Sins so much more terrible? Well, there is the inherent Individuality – the Self against the Flock. Intentional Predators are simply unfit for Company. Has it not been said that Hell is simply being alone, or being with others who won’t leave one alone. One loses the right to enjoy the companionship of Social Creatures and must either abide alone, or tormented by predators as sly and ruthless as one ’s self. Anti-Social Beings are spun out from and rejected from Spiritual Society. The denser and heavier ‘vibration’ of these predators would resolve into lower levels or more distant orbits – different stratums. It reminds me of the difference between Song Birds and the birds that give harsh and ugly calls. All Song Birds are seed eaters and they respect each other’s nests and territories irrespective of species -- they consider each other friends and neighbors in their Songs, and in the early morning meadow one can hear each different song bird take its turn as the songs go round and round. The Songs are meant to indicate that all is at Peace, and each bird of the many are reassured to hear each others’ songs. But the predatory birds sound the alarm against even themselves. Their voice marks them as devils. The harsh call of the Jay or the Crow ends the Morning Song Fest and puts the Good Birds on guard. And so it is in the Astral Worlds where the predatory devils can no longer hide behind lies, but are revealed by their very vibrations. If they can keep any company at all, they must enjoy the company of those as bad as themselves.
This brings us to the discussion of what Hell must really be like. The predatory souls would have to have something much like a Metaphysical Jungle which could only be a ‘Paradise’ for the most powerful and dominant of the Predators, in the same way that we understand that ‘lions’ are the Kings of the Jungle. In Hell only the most efficient and effective Predators could have any margin of ease or comfort. So it is that we know from legend that there must be some Chief of Hell, a Satan, a Lucifer; not because of any special Dispensation from God, but because Satan, by his own skill and abilities is simply equipped to be the most effective and triumphant Predator. In the same way that we can assert that all Barbarians are Evil, but that some Barbarians are better at being Barbarians than others, so it is that we should expect that those such as Genghis Khan or Attila the Hun might be enjoying their “Hell” a great deal more than those less potent and expert in their capacities for Evil.
The Black Sins are premeditated evil – Evil done in cold blood, Evil done for profit. The intentional and deliberate crimes that victimize and exploit others are Black Sin. And so it is that Black Sins can be identified as primarily driven by selfish and greedy impulses of individuality. Black Sins are set against Community and Collectivity and are deliberate acts of defiance against Social Cooperation. Black Sins are the blows that bring down Civilizations.
The Red Sins, on the other hand, are the crimes of passion and appetite. Red Sins are the sins of the flesh. Every Red Sin is somewhat akin to that of a poor hungry man stealing a loaf of bread. If the appetite could be removed, then so would be any impulse to commit such a Sin. And this is exactly what happens when the body passes away; the soul is liberated from the Red Sins.
The worst that can be attributed to the Red Sins is that Souls can become habituated and identified within such behaviors – as in the case of a man who makes a hobby of sex or gluttony, and takes pride in such things, to the point in which such behaviors become integral to his definition of ‘self’. The soul who leaves the body and transitions toward a spiritual existence will feel lost if all of its priorities and sense of identity had been aligned around these bodily appetites that had of necessity dropped away when the body dropped away.
If the Soul should identify itself with these old carnal appetites, then these appetites will survive as something of ghost-like remnants – thought forms, or karmic contaminations. These will weigh upon the Soul, or cloud the soul’s clarity. The Soul much stained by Red Sin, clinging to the old appetites, will find itself too dense, and too dark to tolerate the Light of Heaven. You see, to the Pure and Clear Soul the Light of Heaven is a Pure Joy. But to the Dark Soul, the Light is absorbed and turns to Heat. The Pure Soul shines with the Light of Heaven because all such light passes through unobstructed – no light is contained, no light is absorbed. Purity is as clear as glass. But Impurity will block the light and hold the Heat – and this heat is both a Blessing and a Curse for the impure Soul. It purifies but it does so painfully. The Higher an impure Soul can ascend into the Spiritual Realms, by sheer Spiritual Ambition, the more Light it can then absorb, creating the heat that can burn away any trace of the Red Sins. This is Purgatory. But the Heat does indeed ‘burn’ – it is uncomfortable. The Soul requires a degree of positive motivation to tolerate such discomfort. The Soul needs to be reassured that the same Light that comes at first as Heat will eventually become Pure Bliss once its Purgative Functions have been completed.
We can see how certain Catholic Practices incline toward speeding up the process of diminishing the Red Sins. Catholics are encouraged to entirely discontinue sins of passion and appetite. Fasts are common, and in the Religious Orders, celibacy is insisted upon.
When the strength of appetites and passions are beyond the power of the Will to contain them, than remorse, repentance, and atonement are expected. It is hoped that by this, that after death, the Soul will gladly let these appetites simply fall away and not clutch at them – not allowing them their downward pull into the realms of the ghosts and the demons. A Soul only has to sincerely regret his Red Sins and feel relieved that the motivating physical appetites are gone, that is, transcended, for the “Red Karma” to simply drop away at death.
Therefore the Red Sins are not necessarily impediments to Heaven, or what we would call the Higher Spiritual or Angelic Realms.
Oh, by the way, there is a type of Dream that prepares us for dealing with our Red Sins. Reoccurring Dreams in which we are aware of being lost or having lost some desired possession – such dreams presage the dropping away of the Red Appetites at the time of Death – the Loss of the Red Sins. The ‘trick’ which we must learn from such Dreams is to let go of what was Lost. We must move forward and not look back. We must forget what was “lost” and look forward to new things. This practiced ability for Transcendence will become useful at the moment of our Death when we will by our engrained practice not look back, not feel ‘lost’ for having lost our lives, lost our bodies, lost our life-long acquaintances, friends and family, and that we will not search for our lost appetites and lost habits of the body. Not looking for what was Lost, our Souls will be untethered and free to Rise to the Higher Spiritual Levels. Indeed, even before our Death, we can use our Dreams transcendently, and we can infer the quality of our Afterlife by the quality of Our Dreams.
What makes the Black Sins so much more terrible? Well, there is the inherent Individuality – the Self against the Flock. Intentional Predators are simply unfit for Company. Has it not been said that Hell is simply being alone, or being with others who won’t leave one alone. One loses the right to enjoy the companionship of Social Creatures and must either abide alone, or tormented by predators as sly and ruthless as one ’s self. Anti-Social Beings are spun out from and rejected from Spiritual Society. The denser and heavier ‘vibration’ of these predators would resolve into lower levels or more distant orbits – different stratums. It reminds me of the difference between Song Birds and the birds that give harsh and ugly calls. All Song Birds are seed eaters and they respect each other’s nests and territories irrespective of species -- they consider each other friends and neighbors in their Songs, and in the early morning meadow one can hear each different song bird take its turn as the songs go round and round. The Songs are meant to indicate that all is at Peace, and each bird of the many are reassured to hear each others’ songs. But the predatory birds sound the alarm against even themselves. Their voice marks them as devils. The harsh call of the Jay or the Crow ends the Morning Song Fest and puts the Good Birds on guard. And so it is in the Astral Worlds where the predatory devils can no longer hide behind lies, but are revealed by their very vibrations. If they can keep any company at all, they must enjoy the company of those as bad as themselves.
This brings us to the discussion of what Hell must really be like. The predatory souls would have to have something much like a Metaphysical Jungle which could only be a ‘Paradise’ for the most powerful and dominant of the Predators, in the same way that we understand that ‘lions’ are the Kings of the Jungle. In Hell only the most efficient and effective Predators could have any margin of ease or comfort. So it is that we know from legend that there must be some Chief of Hell, a Satan, a Lucifer; not because of any special Dispensation from God, but because Satan, by his own skill and abilities is simply equipped to be the most effective and triumphant Predator. In the same way that we can assert that all Barbarians are Evil, but that some Barbarians are better at being Barbarians than others, so it is that we should expect that those such as Genghis Khan or Attila the Hun might be enjoying their “Hell” a great deal more than those less potent and expert in their capacities for Evil.
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