Nowadays I am often troubled in mind concerning the requirements to fulfill two or three of the most demanding needs for our World Civilization. These needs are, first, for universal Health Care, and, then, for engineering the World in preparation for the impacts of Global Warming. And then, additionally, we are harassed from behind by our aging infrastructure, and then we face a future of inadequate infrastructure to meet the needs of our growing populations, most of all in America, but nothing anywhere is getting any younger or any bigger or any better without the input of fresh human and financial resources.
Well, one should refrain from saying both ‘human’ and ‘financial’ resources, when, really, we are only discussing human resources. When anybody talks of financial resources, they are only discussing the money it would take to hire people, and so it all resolves down to human resources. For what the World needs to do, it must find the workers to do it.
Long story short, we will increasingly have to move toward Planned Economies. As it now stands, a great many jobs are taken up in redundancy, as thousands of nearly identical companies offering nearly identical products and services, employ people who do about the same thing. It is all quite inefficient. Look in any Telephone Directory’s Business and Commercial Section and you can see how much consolidation could be accomplished. All of the many companies now listed under a single heading could be consolidated into Single Companies. Then all the people who are freed up for new employment could be diverted to Health Care and engineering projects.
Then there is the problem of free for all Capitalist Pillaging. Many capitalists are very successful and make a good deal of money. This would be fine except that such money sets up entire industries devoted to luxury production which address none of the World’s problems, but only bleed off precious resources. Perhaps millions of people must be employed to satisfy the whims of the ultra wealthy. This would be fine if Employment were an end in itself, which many people believe and often the Rich apologize for their extravagance by claiming that it provides Employment, but when we are looking at a World that has a short list of major priorities, then there really isn’t any human resources to be wasted in satisfying the demands of selfish and sensual hedonism.
Also, there are some things that Socialist Planning does far better than Capitalism. The standout triumph of Socialism is in education, and talent scouting the best students and allocating resources to fully achieve their potentials. This had been demonstrated in the Olympic Games where for decade after decade the Socialist Countries, man for man, completely outplayed and outperformed Capitalism, who could put forth the talent from only their most affluent and elite classes. You see, capitalism is, or it resolves in time to be a system of Class Society, a system of Privilege against Poverty. There, the Lower Classes are suppressed, and in this focused suppression many talents and potentials are largely wasted.
Yes, it may seem, now, that I am addressing problems that do not even exist, well, yet. But much of the frustration expressed concerning Universal Health Care, Major Infrastructure Repair, and Global Warming Initiatives is that people cannot envision where the Human Resources could possibly come from to address such issues. Yes, there is already an existing pool of unemployment in all advanced and developed nations of about 10% and more in the undeveloped Nations. But the concern of using these people is that it would be inflationary – current Economic Theory is predicated upon the axiom that full employment is destructively inflationary. Well, this is true as far as it goes, but true in the same sense that the first Theorist of Capitalism was correct in saying that Capitalists would most be benefited by reducing their employees to subsistence slave wages and the most miserable of conditions. Paying out the least money is of course the way a Capitalist System would run itself. Besides, unemployed people are indeed getting money from somewhere, and so when we are discussing the Unemployed we are really talking about the Criminal Subculture and Black Market or Contraband Fringe Economies. And it would take some convincing for me to believe that they are not lending to inflationary pressures themselves. But anyway, as Globalization is now managing the World Economy, full employment is considered the worst problem since it is inflationary, and inflation is the Banking Systems worst enemy (and it is no secret that the Banks are running the Show). As it now stands the Banks are doing the Planning, and they are only considering their own narrow viewpoints.
But if economies were entirely planned, considering the production of essential supplies to meet essential demands, there would be no worry of inflation. However, there would arise the need to prioritize the allocation of Human Resources. There is much work that needs to be done, and it needs to be done efficiently. It needs to be planned. You know what they say: “If you fail to plan, then you are planning to fail”. Every successful capitalist company knows this, but then we are supposed to ignore this principle as it could be applied to our entire Civilization? The haphazard nature of Capitalism, as it promotes division and conflict, simply misdirects and wastes too much that could prove to be critical in the critical times in which we live.
Now, I have often criticized the failures and inherent defects of Democracy. But now I should point out that if Democracy were to ever be complete, then the People’s Power to Rule really cannot be complete unless the People could decide upon economic issues. As it now stands, Capitalism and the Banks are above any political constraints and the Owners and the Board of Directors are answerable to no Democratic Institution. The purview of Government has been isolated away from influencing anything that is truly important to the People – their Economies, and the primary reason why Western Capitalists wish to spread the model of Western Democracy throughout the World is because Western Capitalism has successfully enslaved the Institutions of Western Democratic Institutions, by corruption and influence. And it is this Corruption that they wish to impose on the remainder of the World.
Governments need to step up and assert themselves over their present Capitalist Masters. It is simply axiomatically obvious that almost any government derived from most any system of selective meritocracy would have to be better for the People and the World than a system imposed for the sole benefit of an upper crust of greedy predatory Capitalists.
Sunday, August 26, 2007
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